specifically: a member of a foreign force serving a nation at war
or auxiliary bishop: a Roman Catholic titular bishop assisting a diocesan bishop and not having the right of succession
: a sailing boat or ship equipped with a supplementary inboard engine
or auxiliary verbgrammar: a verb (such as have, be, may, do, shall, will, can, or must) that is used with another verb in a verb phrase to show tense, to form a question, etc. : helping verb
In "I will go," the verb "will" is an auxiliary.
The verbs have and be are used as auxiliaries to form the perfect tenses ("has worked," "had worked," "have been working," etc.) and the progressive tenses ("is talking," "was talking," "have been talking," etc.), respectively. The verb do functions as an auxiliary mainly in negative sentences ("I don't want to go"), in questions ("do you want to go?"), and in emphatic statements ("I really do want to go"). Do can also substitute for another verb that has just been stated ("I went, and so did she"). Another kind of auxiliary called a modalverb is used to change a verb's meaning to something other than simple fact (as to indicate permission, ability, prediction, possibility, or necessity). In the examples "it must be almost 10:00," "we can arrive early," and "may I call you tomorrow?" the verb forms must, can, and may are functioning as modal auxiliaries.
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What would we do if you sang out of tune—would we stand up and walk out on you? Not likely! Instead, we would provide auxiliary harmonies, joining our voices with yours in support. And if you need a little help from your friends in understanding the meaning of auxiliary, we’re here for that, too—just lend us your ears. Auxiliary, which comes from the Latin noun auxilium, meaning “aid,” “assistance,” or “reinforcement,” is used in a wide range of capacities in English to describe a person or thing that assists another. A fire department may bring in auxiliary units, for example, to battle a tough blaze, or a sailboat may be equipped with an auxiliary engine to supply propulsion when the wind disappears. In grammar, an auxiliary verb assists another (main) verb to express person, number, mood, or tense, such as have in “They have now been informed about the meaning of auxiliary.” Isn’t auxiliary fab?
Did you know?
What is an auxiliary verb?
An auxiliary verb, also called a helping verb, is a verb that is used with another verb (or two other verbs) in a verb phrase.
The auxiliary verbs (which include be, have, do, and the modal verbs like may, shall, will, can, and must) combine with verbs to do things like show a verb's tense or form a question.
Be, have, and do are used as both independent verbs and as auxiliary verbs.
Have is used to form all the perfect tenses, the tenses that are used to refer to an action or state that is completed at the time of speaking or at a time spoken of:
I was making a few calls first. (imperfect tense, also called past progressive)
I will be driving across much of the country. (future progressive)
I will have been traveling for three weeks by the time I return. (future perfect progressive)
Be is also used in the passive voice, and to join infinitives plus to to the subject of a sentence or clause:
My route was recommended by a friend. (passive voice)
I am to arrive before nightfall.
Do occurs as an auxiliary verb mainly in negative sentences and in questions:
I do not have a map.
Do you have a map handy?
Do is also occasionally used for emphasis. In this use, do is followed by an infinitive without to:
I do think I'll be able to find my way without a problem.
Do may also substitute for another verb that has just been stated:
My dog enjoyed the drive immensely, and so did I.
A small group of auxiliary verbs, called the modal verbs (or modal auxiliary verbs, modal auxiliaries, or simply modals) are only used in combination with ordinary verbs. A modal verb changes the other verb's meaning to something different from simple fact. Modals may express permission, ability, prediction, possibility, or necessity.
The principal modal verbs are: can, could, may, might, must, ought, shall, should, will, and would.
The modal verbs are different from ordinary verbs in several ways:
1) They have no inflections at all; that is, they lack an -ing form, an -ed form, and even an -s form for the third-person singular.
2) A modal verb is always followed by the infinitive form of a verb (unless that verb has already been stated) but never follows another verb.
3) Modal verbs do not follow to and are not followed by to. (Ought to, like the near-modal verb have to, is a special case.)
In their simple form, modal verbs normally refer to present or future time:
I must be nearly there by now.
I might arrive a bit later than I'd anticipated.
A trip like this can take many hours more than one expects.
AdjectiveTravelers have also been griping about a lack of air-conditioning while planes are on the tarmac—even after delays stretch for hours. Airlines blame the problem on a breakdown of a plane's auxiliary power unit.—Darren Everson, Wall Street Journal, 8 Aug. 2007However, on March 1, 1896, Italian forces underwent a stunning defeat at Adwa, where they fought against the warriors of the Abyssinian emperor, Menelik. Some five thousand Italian troops and two thousand native auxiliary troops had been killed or captured, and the colony had been lost.—Mirella Tenderini et al., The Duke of the Abruzzi, 1997The rotund 6'1", 235-pound object of their affections hasn't played a day of major league baseball, he dresses in the auxiliary locker room, and he isn't even listed on Boston's 40-man roster. But after a resplendent summer last year at Triple A Pawtucket and a winter of panegyrics from a giddy Boston press, first baseman Maurice Samuel (Mo) Vaughn, 23, has arrived as a "real" rookie who everyone in Red Sox-land hopes is the real thing.—Nicholas Dawidoff, Sports Illustrated, 1 Apr. 1991
a sailboat with an auxiliary engine
the auditorium has an auxiliary cooling system used only on particularly sweltering days NounMore than 2,000 Guard members had already been activated to help with the coronavirus pandemic, Shiroma said, but they are being moved to help law enforcement and replaced by members of the California State Guard force, a volunteer auxiliary.—Don Thompson, apnews.com, 2 June 2020Roman cavalry was poorly developed; they relied on wings, called alae, of horsemen supplied by their auxiliaries. The favorite Roman battle formation was of a triple line of cohorts with alae sweeping the flanks.—Kenneth P. Czech, MHQ : The Quarterly Journal of Military History, Autumn 1992In bigger archdioceses, the archbishop cannot make long visits at many parishes; the auxiliaries will have to bear the brunt of most parish visitations.—Thomas J. Reese, Archbishop, 1989
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From automating repetitive tactics to enhancing predictive analytics, AI is not just an auxiliary tool.—Vamsi Gosu, Forbes, 11 Mar. 2025 The plan includes the construction of a 10,000-square-foot auxiliary hanger plus two additional maintenance hangers.—Laura Kinsler, Orlando Sentinel, 7 Mar. 2025
China’s annual parliamentary sessions, the National People’s Congress (NPC) and its advisory auxiliary, the CPPCC come to a close with the economy and unemployment at the top the agenda.—Anniek Bao, CNBC, 4 Mar. 2025 Bruno did not answer a question asking whether the lease is void under state laws governing board members’ conflicts at nonprofits and auxiliaries, and referred to the forensic examination delving into the station’s finances.—Ishani Desai, Sacramento Bee, 13 Feb. 2025 See All Example Sentences for auxiliary
Word History
Middle English, "(of a Roman soldier) not belonging to a regular legion," borrowed from Latin auxiliārius "giving aid, (of troops) supplementing the regular army," from auxilium "assistance, aid, supporting force, reinforcement" (derivative from the base of augēre "to increase") + -ārius-ary entry 1 — more at eke entry 2
Though the etymological literature agrees that auxilium is somehow derived from augēre—the original sense having most likely been "augmentation, reinforcement"—the formation is unclear, both in regard to the nature of the interpolated -s- and the suffix -ili-. Ernout and Meillet (Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue latine) allude to a suggestion of P. Kretschmer (Glotta, 6. Band [1914], 1. Heft, pp. 30-33), that the plural auxilia "auxiliary contingents attached to Roman armies" was originally plural of an adjective *auxilis, formed from *aux- and the suffix -ilis, "tending to, capable of" (as in docilis "teachable," facilis "easy, accommodating"; see docile, facile). The attested singular auxilium would hence be a back-formation from auxilia. The -s- is dealt with by simply taking aux- as a by-form of aug- and in effect the weak form of a noun *augos cognate with Sanskrit ójas- "strength."