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Take a scenic cruise along Harbor Drive, where tuna seiners once tied up.—San Diego Union-Tribune, 3 Oct. 2023 Above the seiner, a seaplane soars towards the coastal mountains rising up and fading into the distant mist.—David James, Anchorage Daily News, 22 Apr. 2023
After five years in the U.S. Army, Herring had become a deckhand on a purse seiner off the coast of Maine.—Luke Mogelson, The New Yorker, 26 Dec. 2022 Ellenbogen and a team of scientists observed the tuna being caught by large purse seiner fishing boats from Turkey, France, Spain, and Italy among other countries, with some illegally using spotter planes to locate the fish.—Rebecca Horne, Discover Magazine, 28 June 2010 The Western Flyer, a 77-foot purse seiner built of old-growth Douglas fir in 1937, has outlasted nearly all its contemporaries, despite its sinkings.—Smithsonian, 22 Aug. 2019 By Six Seiners Sharon said she was nearly run down by six seiners while coming down the coast from Point Arguello.—San Diego Union-Tribune, 25 July 2019 Take a scenic drive along Harbor Drive, where tuna seiners once tied up with their catch.—San Diego Union-Tribune, 30 June 2019 Anyone who has ever worked aboard a seiner has horror stories of close calls, or worse.—Laine Welch, Anchorage Daily News, 25 Feb. 2018