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Storks and turkey vultures urinate on their legs to keep cool, for example, and kangaroos lick their veiny forearms to keep them moist.—Byjack Tamisiea, science.org, 17 Jan. 2023 Beyond Burger?—and the only way to live in accordance with nature, as God intended, is to chow down on a veiny slab of uncooked beef.—Luke Winkie, Bon Appétit, 31 Aug. 2022
Just inside, standing sentry, are two life-size Madame Tussauds–style figures of stereotypical twentieth-century flashers, replete with trench coats and veiny organs that jut from their trouser flies.—Sam Lipsyte, Harper’s Magazine , 27 Apr. 2022 Design-wise, the space—done up by Thomas Juul-Hansen—is an absolute delight, styled in shades of pink with veiny gray marble flooring.—Lilah Ramzi, Vogue, 6 Apr. 2022 He was drawn to spinach in particular because its veiny structure is ideal for supplying oxygen and nutrients to heart cells, as well as for flushing out metabolic waste.—Raleigh McElvery, Smithsonian Magazine, 29 Nov. 2021 Quartz counters, especially ones with open veiny patterns, lead the field, and are what almost 75 percent of KB buyers choose.—Marni Jameson, orlandosentinel.com, 19 Nov. 2021 The Italian marble countertops are crystalline but not too veiny.—Doug MacCash | Staff Writer, NOLA.com, 28 Oct. 2020 These were not fleshy or veiny toys, in keeping with the CTA’s rules.—Lauren Goode, Wired, 8 Jan. 2020