: a North American wood warbler (Dendroica coronata) of which the adult male is grayish streaked with black above and largely white below with a yellow patch on the crown, rump, and each side of the breast.
Immature yellow-rumped warblers are gray with many streaks. However, they are missing the classic yellow rump found on adults.—Jim Olichwier, St. Paul Pioneer Press, 1 May 2005
An early spring migrant, yellowrumps are on the move in large flocks in early April, making the species the first warbler to move in numbers.—Eirik Blom, Bird Watcher's Digest, May/June 1997
The yellow-rumped warbler occurs in several distinct subspecies, including the Audubon's warbler (D. coronata auduboni) and myrtle warbler (D. coronata coronata).