Words to Describe anchor
Things anchor often describes ("anchor ________")
How anchor often is described ("________ anchor")
- moral
- sacred
- third
- light
- secure
- red
- golden
- top
- big
- single
- solid
- fashioned
- nominal
- wooden
- type
- spiritual
- western
- emotional
- spare
- firm
- rusty
- only
- terminal
- strong
- small
- heavy
- permanent
- safe
- ponderous
- huge
- cast
- main
- hydrophobic
- kedge
- sure
- eastern
- second
- pound
- northern
- stable
- best
- sole
- visual
- double
- stern
- starboard
- weigh
- sea
- male
- female
- powerful
- signal
- monetary
- biceps
- concrete
- blue
- largest
- and
- southern
- last
- external
- ton
- foul