Words to Describe augustine
Things augustine often describes ("augustine ________")
- confessions
- records
- replies
- retorts
- exclaims
- notes
- shows
- presses
- points
- mentions
- notices
- returns
- remarks
- worries
- mould
- answers
- lands
- advances
- breaks
- deals
- touches
- quotes
- moves
- cries
- states
- turns
- appeals
- proceeds
- bishop
- links
- resorts
- the
- grants
- talks
- louis
- calvin
- counters
- comments
- pelagius
- attacks
- marie
- reports
- claims
- substitutes
- treats
- adams
- doubts
How augustine often is described ("________ augustine")
- opposite
- eyed
- modern
- founding
- present
- zealous
- colonial
- distant
- same
- beloved
- compare
- celebrated
- aged
- reverend
- much
- old
- pious
- century
- historic
- great
- young
- obscure
- late
- famous
- latter
- contemporary
- dear
- contrary
- later
- african
- second
- nearby
- north
- blessed
- historical
- saintly
- fourth
- venerable
- youthful
- wise
- influential
- older
- marie
- christian
- near
- quaint
- younger
- day
- learned
- harmless
- held
- happy
- holy
- glorious
- divine
- future
- prior
- pseudo
- medieval
- illustrious
- poor
- early
- indignant
- fifth
- roman
- earlier