Words to Describe battle
Things battle often describes ("battle ________")
- fleets
- report
- scars
- zone
- ships
- creek
- fields
- abbey
- piece
- horse
- sexes
- police
- fury
- ground
- rage
- flags
- cry
- door
- injuries
- readiness
- strife
- grounds
- shock
- honours
- tanks
- monument
- dreams
- axes
- royal
- songs
- dust
- orders
- flag
- tactics
- song
- cruiser
- shout
- cruisers
- line
- cries
- sight
- losses
- plains
- horses
- pieces
- hymns
- axe
- formation
- worthiness
- bridge
- ship
- management
- drill
- banners
- scene
- fronts
- the
- deaths
- fleet
- hymn
- planes
- stations
- lake
- damage
- din
- wounds
- smoke
- casualties
- reports
- scenes
- lanterns
- field
- fatigue
- plans
- god
- formations
- front
- lines
- station
- order
- dress
- pictures
- array
- lust
How battle often is described ("________ battle")
- desperate
- regular
- tremendous
- terrible
- pitched
- big
- successful
- single
- biggest
- uphill
- tough
- sham
- victorious
- bloodiest
- celebrated
- hard
- spiritual
- defensive
- crucial
- contested
- legal
- historic
- great
- real
- famous
- furious
- terrific
- bloody
- mighty
- fierce
- open
- year
- naval
- grim
- fought
- sanguinary
- continual
- ideological
- heroic
- second
- hopeless
- constant
- decisive
- disastrous
- bitter
- ongoing
- scale
- daily
- hour
- drawn
- long
- lost
- greatest
- impending
- actual
- day
- first
- fatal
- epic
- memorable
- glorious
- unequal
- climactic
- continuous
- indecisive
- severe
- final
- major
- protracted
- verbal
- mock
- brief
- prolonged
- last