Words to Describe cognac
How cognac often is described ("________ cognac")
- raw
- drunk
- third
- medicinal
- fiery
- spanish
- warmed
- rare
- golden
- bad
- austrian
- worse
- hot
- star
- called
- aged
- much
- rate
- admirable
- old
- italian
- youngest
- superb
- more
- real
- restorative
- warm
- famous
- argentine
- genuine
- marvelous
- excellent
- little
- enough
- armenian
- complimentary
- artificial
- pale
- finest
- second
- nice
- superior
- georgian
- best
- expensive
- smooth
- stiff
- double
- marvellous
- russian
- priceless
- decent
- fine
- contraband
- cheap
- portuguese
- pure
- good
- abominable
- straight
- french
- purest
- favorite
- and
- fifth
- greek
- oldest
- neat
- precious