Words to Describe digits
Things digits often describes ("digits ________")
How digits often is described ("________ digits")
- extra
- third
- consecutive
- octal
- hexadecimal
- distinct
- clawed
- zero
- check
- involved
- radial
- lateral
- single
- fractional
- multiplier
- numerical
- bit
- sum
- the
- hand
- excess
- valid
- more
- terminal
- rudimentary
- affected
- additional
- fewer
- outer
- triple
- enough
- second
- corresponding
- rightmost
- binary
- fourth
- arabic
- respective
- supernumerary
- nonzero
- double
- handwritten
- odd
- functional
- decimal
- separate
- leftmost
- adjacent
- digit
- least
- first
- lesser
- correct
- successive
- medial
- dialed
- middle
- numeric
- significant
- individual
- fifth
- final
- random
- last
- multiple