Words to Describe dodger
Things dodger often describes ("dodger ________")
How dodger often is described ("________ dodger")
- devil
- agile
- skillful
- gawky
- draft
- successful
- the
- hard
- lazy
- tax
- old
- only
- class
- notorious
- whig
- former
- incorrigible
- crafty
- judgmatical
- little
- black
- african
- skilful
- known
- american
- granny
- clever
- expert
- cunning
- evasive
- flaming
- giant
- irresistible
- irresolute
- weather
- dishonest
- astounding
- shrewd
- veritable
- ursine
- corn
- adroit
- good
- sun
- rich
- poor
- silent
- yankee
- artful