Words to Describe lorraine
Things lorraine often describes ("lorraine ________")
- deposits
- artiste
- territory
- dynasty
- basin
- border
- pendent
- tint
- luxemburg
- fields
- smith
- sector
- frontier
- luxembourg
- revanche
- dietrich
- champagne
- outside
- glass
- statue
- deputies
- debt
- habsburg
- complex
- cent
- hapsburg
- ore
- monument
- chronicler
- shale
- alsace
- section
- origin
- problem
- germans
- interests
- brabant
- memorial
- line
- princes
- decree
- provinces
- district
- formation
- trick
- family
- issue
- situation
- picardy
- jews
- the
- controversy
- guise
- brigade
- question
- system
- area
- dukes
- tuscany
- iron
- trouble
- escaut
- serving
- front
- austria
- railways
- region
- railroad
- dispute
How lorraine often is described ("________ lorraine")
- conquered
- austria
- hapsburg
- grateful
- speaking
- counteroffensive
- aristocratic
- fair
- beloved
- celebrated
- ducal
- century
- gallant
- york
- sorry
- alsace
- engrossing
- saar
- occupied
- eastern
- nearby
- alsatian
- northern
- luxemburg
- proud
- cowardly
- habsburg
- ruhr
- inimitable
- cardinal
- northeastern
- invading
- held
- native
- french
- belgian
- false
- neighboring
- unwilling