Words to Describe virtue
Things virtue often describes ("virtue ________")
- increases
- approaches
- based
- ethics
- blooms
- concentrates
- ethicists
- triumphant
- demands
- sole
- brothers
- centred
- epistemologies
- day
- acts
- means
- epistemologists
- theory
- shrinks
- trumps
- results
- fortune
- paths
- proceeds
- oriented
- theories
- functions
- taste
- theorists
- springs
- supreme
- the
- persists
- triumphs
- falls
- obligation
- aims
- concepts
- friendship
- flies
- friends
- rewarded
- crowned
- steps
How virtue often is described ("________ virtue")
- moral
- medicinal
- supernatural
- private
- principal
- rare
- manly
- essential
- negative
- solid
- necessary
- chief
- highest
- much
- exalted
- ethical
- great
- only
- supreme
- masculine
- inherent
- natural
- extraordinary
- genuine
- perfect
- civic
- active
- particular
- easy
- heroic
- public
- peculiar
- superior
- personal
- cardinal
- rigid
- domestic
- positive
- christian
- true
- intellectual
- noble
- greatest
- military
- republican
- eminent
- female
- divine
- fundamental
- outstanding
- pure
- prime
- disinterested
- absolute
- special
- human
- feminine
- conscious
- roman
- ancient
- theological