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Words that Almost Rhyme with chasseurs
1 syllable
- airs
- ares
- bars
- bears
- beers
- bores
- cares
- cars
- chairs
- cheers
- clears
- cores
- corps
- cures
- doors
- drawers
- ears
- fears
- gears
- hairs
- heirs
- heres
- jars
- lars
- mares
- mars
- moors
- nares
- oars
- pairs
- pares
- pars
- pears
- peers
- piers
- pores
- sars
- scores
- shares
- shears
- shires
- sires
- sirs
- sores
- spars
- spears
- spheres
- spores
- squares
- stairs
- stars
- steers
- stores
- tears
- theirs
- wares
- wars
- sheers
- lares
- spires
- tours
2 syllables
- affairs
- all fours
- arrears
- avars
- downstairs
- fires
- gathers
- havers
- hires
- hours
- lathers
- ours
- outdoors
- repairs
- sours
- staffers
- teres
- upstairs
- vapours
- wires
- chaffers
- flashers
- rashers
- slashers
- thrashers
- algiers
- asors
- azores
- azures
- bashers
- blathers
- cachars
- chazars
- clashers
- clavers
- crashers
- dashers
- gaffers
- gazars
- hashers
- job's tears
- kashers
- lashers
- laughers
- least squares
- mashers
- navars
- sclaffers
- slathers
- smashers
- splashers
- splathers
3 syllables
- cadavers
- in arrears
- unawares
- volunteers
- anaphors
- pruning shears
- rabbit ears
- brown thrashers
- charge d'affaires
- chest of drawers
- clod smashers
- foregathers
- forgathers
- gate-crashers
- ingathers
- intra vires
- kick upstairs
- messeigneurs
- out of doors
- piaffers
- regathers
- sage thrashers
- spring azures
- stars and bars
- toll travers
- ultra vires
- upgathers
- wool-gathers
- woolgathers