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Words that Almost Rhyme with dendrochronology
3 syllables
- audibly
- bodily
- bonhomie
- botany
- bottomry
- broccoli
- caudally
- colloquy
- colony
- comedy
- commonly
- comradely
- consciously
- constancy
- constantly
- cottony
- frontally
- gossipy
- homily
- honestly
- honesty
- hostelry
- modestly
- modesty
- monody
- monstrously
- novelty
- obloquy
- oddity
- odyssey
- ostomy
- policy
- polity
- pompously
- possibly
- potently
- probably
- prodigy
- progeny
- promisee
- prophecy
- prophesy
- prosody
- psalmody
- quality
- quantity
- rocketry
- romany
- sodomy
- solidly
- sovereignty
- spotlessly
- stolidly
- twopenny
- wallaby
- wannabe
- wantonly
- wobbly
- almonry
- awesomely
- clonally
- cobbly
- cobwebby
- contrasty
- cozily
- crotchety
- docilely
- frostily
- groggily
- holily
- hostilely
- knobbly
- potbelly
- roguishly
- rostrally
- sloppily
- sovereignly
- stonily
- watchfully
- -ocracy
- -onymy
- almondy
- balmily
- balmony
- blockily
- blossomry
- blossomy
- blotchily
- boloney
- bonnily
- bostanji
- bottle tree
- brahmany
- choppily
- cockandy
- cockawee
- cockily
- cognately
- commoney
- commonty
- conakry
- cottagey
- coxcombly
- coxcombry
- dobsonfly
- docity
- dollardee
- domically
- donatee
- dossily
- dottily
- dovekie
- floccosely
- floppily
- flossily
- foggily
- foxily
- frascati
- frothily
- glossily
- godlily
- goggly
- gospelly
- gossipry
- guanciale
- hobbly
- hokily
- jabali
- jokily
- knobbily
- knottily
- ladakhi
- lodomy
- mazedly
- moloka'i
- monandry
- mongrelly
- nahani
- nobbily
- nobbly
- novity
- noxiously
- phrontistery
- pockety
- polony
- pommelly
- popovtsy
- prosily
- prosodi
- provenly
- ptolemy
- ramadi
- rockaby
- rockabye
- rommany
- rosily
- rosiny
- rottenly
- scophony
- shoddily
- slommacky
- slothfully
- soddenly
- soggily
- sokotri
- solid die
- solodi
- solvently
- sonancy
- sonnetry
- sovranty
- spottedly
- spottily
- squabbly
- squalidly
- stockily
- stodgily
- swankily
- tawnily
- trollope
- wabbly
- wannabee
- waspily
- watchmanly
- yeomanly
4 syllables
- aeronomy
- agronomy
- anomaly
- apostacy
- apostasy
- apostrophe
- arthrography
- arthroscopy
- astronomy
- atrocity
- autocracy
- autonomy
- autophagy
- biography
- biometry
- bureaucracy
- cacophony
- canonically
- cartography
- colostomy
- colposcopy
- commodity
- comparably
- cosmography
- cryptography
- cystoscopy
- cytometry
- democracy
- demography
- demonstrably
- despondency
- despondently
- dichotomy
- dishonesty
- duopoly
- echography
- economy
- equality
- ethnography
- exogamy
- ferocity
- filmography
- fluoroscopy
- frivolity
- gastronomy
- gastrostomy
- geodesy
- geography
- geometry
- high quality
- holography
- hydrography
- hypocrisy
- idolatry
- impolicy
- impossibly
- impotency
- improbably
- in quantity
- incompletely
- inconstancy
- insolvency
- isometry
- lithography
- lithotomy
- loquacity
- mahogany
- mammography
- manometry
- monogamy
- monopoly
- monopsony
- monotony
- monstrosity
- morphometry
- myopathy
- ontogeny
- oppositely
- optometry
- orogeny
- orthography
- osmotically
- petrography
- philosophy
- phonography
- phonology
- photography
- photometry
- phylogeny
- plutocracy
- pornography
- porosity
- precocity
- preponderantly
- psychopathy
- responsibly
- sarcophagi
- schistosity
- sonography
- spectrometry
- spectroscopy
- spirometry
- subconsciously
- synonymy
- theocracy
- theodicy
- theogony
- thermography
- thermometry
- topography
- typography
- uncommonly
- unconsciously
- urography
- velocity
- venography
- verbosity
- viscosity
- volubly
- allometry
- allopathy
- allotropy
- astrometry
- bronchography
- callosity
- capnography
- chirography
- cystography
- cystostomy
- fluorography
- fluorometry
- fractography
- gastroscopy
- homogamy
- homography
- hypotony
- immodestly
- immodesty
- lithotrity
- lymphography
- lysogeny
- monosomy
- neoteny
- obnoxiously
- orography
- phlebography
- pilosity
- pleiotropy
- prodigally
- psychometry
- pyrometry
- renography
- rhizotomy
- rugosity
- scenography
- thixotropy
- tonometry
- toponymy
- trichotomy
- viscometry
- zygosity
- acropachy
- ad-hocracy
- aerography
- algometry
- amphogeny
- androcracy
- androgeny
- anomali-
- anoscopy
- anthography
- anthophagy
- apogamy
- apogeny
- apophony
- apostrophi
- aquosity
- astogeny
- astrography
- astrolatry
- autogeny
- autography
- autoscopy
- bansalagui
- barometry
- bezpopovtsy
- biogeny
- biographee
- bionomy
- black comedy
- blastogeny
- bogosity
- bromometry
- cacochymy
- cacography
- cape colony
- capnometry
- cationotropy
- cavography
- cerography
- chalkography
- chasmogamy
- chironomy
- chondrogeny
- chorography
- chromotropy
- chronography
- chronometry
- chrononomy
- chronoscopy
- chrysography
- colossally
- compositely
- comradery
- comstockery
- conjugally
- coprophagy
- cosmogeny
- cosovereignty
- cringe comedy
- crinosity
- crown colony
- ct colonography
- cyclogeny
- cystometry
- dendrography
- derogately
- desmotropy
- dichogamy
- diskography
- disquantity
- dissogeny
- dittography
- doxography
- duopsony
- ecography
- erogeny
- esophagi
- ethnogeny
- false quantity
- farce-comedy
- fetometry
- fetoscopy
- flexography
- floccosity
- foetometry
- foetoscopy
- foolocracy
- fumosity
- gamogeny
- geognosy
- geotropy
- gibbosity
- globosity
- glossography
- glyptography
- graphometry
- gulosity
- gummosity
- gymnosophy
- gynocracy
- gypsography
- haplography
- hare wallaby
- hercogamy
- hierocracy
- hierography
- high comedy
- high-quality
- histogeny
- histography
- homogeny
- horometry
- hydrolatry
- hydrometry
- hydrotropy
- hygrometry
- hymnography
- hyponasty
- hypsography
- hypsometry
- ichnography
- impolitely
- improbity
- inconstantly
- insolvably
- isocracy
- isogamy
- isonomy
- jocosity
- kleptocracy
- known quantity
- kymography
- landocracy
- light comedy
- lipography
- lordolatry
- low comedy
- lyotropy
- mastography
- merogamy
- merotropy
- metropoly
- micrometry
- misogamy
- mobocracy
- monocracy
- monogeny
- monogony
- monography
- monostrophe
- monotropy
- moronity
- morosity
- morphography
- mucosity
- mycophagy
- myography
- mythogeny
- mythography
- naprapathy
- necropoli
- neogamy
- nephrography
- nephroscopy
- neurography
- nodosity
- nomocracy
- nomography
- nonconsciously
- nonconstantly
- nonspatially
- nosography
- obnoxiety
- oncogeny
- oncotomy
- oogeny
- orometry
- orthometry
- osmometry
- otoscopy
- paedogamy
- pantagamy
- pastosity
- pathography
- pedogamy
- petrogeny
- philogeny
- phonometry
- phorometry
- phoronomy
- phytogamy
- phytography
- phytolatry
- phytometry
- phytophagy
- pictography
- piosity
- planography
- plantocracy
- plastometry
- pleuroscopy
- plutolatry
- plutonomy
- pneumography
- poltophagy
- pornocracy
- porogamy
- poroscopy
- portography
- preconsciously
- preponderancy
- prepositi
- proctotomy
- psalmography
- pseudography
- psychography
- psychonomy
- psychrometry
- pterography
- pulmometry
- pycnometry
- pyknometry
- pyrography
- rajahmundry
- remonstrantly
- resolvancy
- respondency
- revolvency
- rhinoscopy
- rimosity
- rock wallaby
- rufosity
- sarcophagy
- scrub wallaby
- seismography
- seismometry
- seismonasty
- self-consciously
- serosity
- sinography
- slavocracy
- sphenography
- spicosity
- spirography
- sporogeny
- squamosity
- squattocracy
- star quality
- staurolatry
- stethography
- stethometry
- stichometry
- stratocracy
- stylography
- stylometry
- subcolony
- subcompany
- subquality
- tachometry
- tautophony
- technography
- teknonymy
- term policy
- the colony
- theocrasy
- theonomy
- time policy
- timocracy
- tone quality
- tonography
- tree wallaby
- tromometry
- unconstancy
- ungallantly
- unsolvably
- unstoppably
- unwatchfully
- uroscopy
- vapography
- vasography
- venosity
- ventosity
- villosity
- vinosity
- xylography
- zincography
- zoography
- zoolatry
- zoonomy
- zootomy
5 syllables
- adenopathy
- adiposity
- anatomically
- angiography
- animosity
- anisotropy
- anthropometry
- aristocracy
- audiometry
- bibliography
- choreography
- chromatography
- colonoscopy
- crystallography
- curiosity
- densitometry
- enteropathy
- enterostomy
- episiotomy
- ethnobotany
- foreign policy
- generosity
- grandiosity
- hagiography
- horizontally
- iconography
- ileostomy
- inequality
- irresponsibly
- laparoscopy
- laparotomy
- lexicography
- mediocrity
- metallography
- myelography
- nebulosity
- oceanography
- oligopoly
- paradoxically
- physiography
- plethysmography
- polarography
- public policy
- pyelography
- radiography
- radiometry
- retinopathy
- roentgenography
- sigmoidoscopy
- sociometry
- the economy
- tortuosity
- tracheostomy
- tragicomedy
- trichinopoly
- trigonometry
- tuberosity
- xerography
- zoogeography
- anemometry
- anthroposophy
- aortography
- archaeometry
- cardiography
- correspondency
- diffractometry
- dilatometry
- embryogeny
- gonioscopy
- heteronomy
- heteropoly
- higher quality
- highest quality
- hippopotami
- hysterotomy
- intracompany
- jejunostomy
- macrocephaly
- magnetometry
- meniscectomy
- numerosity
- ophthalmoscopy
- paleography
- penal colony
- preciosity
- prosopography
- reflectometry
- refractometry
- retinoscopy
- scrupulosity
- sensitometry
- sinuosity
- steganography
- stereoscopy
- thoracoscopy
- univocity
- unknown quantity
- unselfconsciously
- valvuloplasty
- varicosity
- aberrometry
- acetometry
- actinometry
- adaptometry
- adelphogamy
- aeolotropy
- aeronautically
- aggregometry
- agrostography
- air photography
- alkalometry
- amniography
- amorosity
- amperometry
- anionotropy
- anisogamy
- anisogeny
- anthropogeny
- anthropography
- anthropolatry
- anthropopathy
- anthropophagi
- anthropophagy
- anthroposcopy
- anti-sodomy
- antisodomy
- aplanogamy
- archaeolatry
- areography
- argentometry
- arithmocracy
- arms of sovereignty
- autochthonously
- autocolony
- auxanography
- azeotropy
- azygography
- baby broccoli
- bibliogony
- bibliolatry
- bibliomancy
- bibliopegy
- bibliophagy
- bibliophily
- bibulosity
- black economy
- black mahogany
- blanket policy
- blue mahogany
- brown mahogany
- calycanthemy
- cameography
- cardiometry
- cardiotomy
- casus omissi
- catawampously
- celioscopy
- cephalometry
- ceramography
- ceriometry
- ceylon swamplily
- chalazogamy
- charter colony
- cheironomy
- chinese broccoli
- ciliopathy
- cisternography
- claims made policy
- climatography
- coelioscopy
- coequality
- colonography
- color constancy
- color quality
- complexometry
- conductometry
- conicopoly
- copiosity
- correspondently
- craniometry
- cranioscopy
- crystallogeny
- crystallomancy
- cyanometry
- dactylography
- dactyloscopy
- dermatography
- dermatopathy
- deuterogamy
- deuteroscopy
- dioptometry
- discommodity
- diseconomy
- dubiosity
- dynamogeny
- dynamometry
- ebriosity
- electrography
- emanometry
- embryopathy
- embryotomy
- embryotrophe
- enterotomy
- entomophagy
- entomophily
- eolotropy
- epeirogeny
- epirogeny
- fabulosity
- false dichotomy
- false economy
- farinography
- first philosophy
- fiscal policy
- flame photometry
- flash photography
- floating policy
- flow cytometry
- fragmentography
- free economy
- furiosity
- galvanography
- gametogeny
- geitonogamy
- geobotany
- gerontocracy
- gift economy
- gig economy
- glandulosity
- glutinosity
- goniometry
- goniotomy
- graciosity
- ground mahogany
- group velocity
- gynaecography
- gynecocracy
- gynecography
- hagiocracy
- hagiolatry
- heading broccoli
- heautophany
- heliography
- heliolatry
- heliometry
- hemautography
- hepatography
- hepatoscopy
- heterogamy
- heterography
- heteropoly-
- heteroscopy
- heterostrophy
- hidden quantity
- hideosity
- higher-quality
- highest-quality
- hot commodity
- hyetography
- hysterography
- iconolatry
- iconometry
- ideocracy
- ideography
- idiocracy
- idiocrasy
- idololatry
- in all honesty
- incommodity
- interest policy
- interlocally
- iodometry
- ionography
- ionotropy
- irresolvedly
- isentropically
- isopolity
- isosmotically
- kakistocracy
- karyogamy
- karyometry
- keratometry
- keratoscopy
- keraunography
- lachrymosity
- lamellosity
- laminography
- letter quality
- line geometry
- martyrolatry
- mass spectrometry
- mass spectroscopy
- master policy
- mediocracy
- mediography
- metalloscopy
- metoposcopy
- microcolony
- mixed economy
- museography
- musicography
- nail-tailed wallaby
- nephelometry
- neuronography
- nystagmography
- odontography
- oesophagi
- oleography
- olfactometry
- oligopsony
- open policy
- operosity
- ophthalmometry
- opisthography
- orchesography
- oreography
- organography
- ornithomancy
- ornithoscopy
- ornithotomy
- oscillography
- osteography
- osteometry
- otiosity
- overmodestly
- overmodesty
- package policy
- palatography
- pantisocracy
- parodontally
- pedantocracy
- pendulosity
- phaneroscopy
- phase velocity
- phosphorography
- phrenicotomy
- physiocracy
- physiolatry
- physiometry
- physiosophy
- piezometry
- pink mahogany
- placentography
- plane geometry
- planned economy
- pluviography
- pluviometry
- pluviosity
- pneumatography
- pneumatometry
- pneumonography
- pod mahogany
- polychotomy
- polyphonously
- populosity
- potamography
- protanomaly
- pruinosity
- pteridography
- pterylography
- punditocracy
- pupillography
- pupillometry
- pure democracy
- radioscopy
- red mahogany
- resinography
- respirometry
- rhyparography
- roentgenometry
- roentgenoscopy
- rose mahogany
- royal colony
- salpingography
- selenography
- self-idolatry
- semeiography
- semicolony
- semiography
- septifragally
- seriosity
- settler colony
- short-tailed wallaby
- sialography
- sigillography
- silky wallaby
- siphonogamy
- slaveocracy
- sociocracy
- sociography
- somatometry
- space velocity
- spark photography
- spatiography
- speciosity
- spermatogeny
- splanchnicotomy
- sprouting broccoli
- squatter sovereignty
- stalagmometry
- standard policy
- stereography
- stereometry
- strabismometry
- sub-economy
- subeconomy
- superquality
- swamp mahogany
- syphilography
- tacheometry
- tediosity
- teleonomy
- tenebrosity
- tensiometry
- thalassocracy
- thalassography
- theriolatry
- throw a wobbly
- town economy
- trick photography
- uncanonically
- undemonstrably
- unequality
- unevadably
- unresolvably
- unself-consciously
- uranography
- uranometry
- urethrography
- urethroscopy
- uterography
- valued policy
- varicography
- ventricosity
- vitiosity
- voyage policy
- wager policy
- wave velocity
- white mahogany
6 syllables
- antimonopoly
- arteriography
- autobiography
- biogeography
- cholangiography
- cinematography
- historiography
- hypervelocity
- insurance policy
- interferometry
- nanotechnology
- neuroanatomy
- ovariotomy
- paleobotany
- photolithography
- photomicrography
- religiosity
- spectrophotometry
- stoichiometry
- ultrasonography
- ventriculography
- absorptiometry
- arteriotomy
- cholecystography
- cholecystostomy
- esophagoscopy
- hyperviscosity
- microphotography
- microporosity
- moral philosophy
- musical comedy
- phytogeography
- polysomnography
- potentiometry
- romantic comedy
- act of insolvency
- actinautography
- aerogeography
- aerophotography
- aesthesiometry
- alcoholometry
- allotriophagy
- aluminography
- anaglyptography
- anthony trollope
- anti-monopoly
- anti-pornography
- antipornography
- artist lithography
- astrophotography
- auger spectroscopy
- autolithography
- autophytography
- basic commodity
- bastard mahogany
- bioautography
- biodemography
- birch-leaf mahogany
- bronchospirometry
- burma mahogany
- cedar mahogany
- cherry mahogany
- choledochotomy
- chromocollography
- chromolithography
- chromotypography
- chromoxylography
- chronophotography
- cineangiography
- cinefluorography
- cinemicrography
- cochromatography
- command economy
- commercial policy
- consumer sovereignty
- contagiosity
- corporate colony
- cosmic philosophy
- craniotopography
- cystolithotomy
- cystometrography
- cystourethrography
- cystourethroscopy
- cytogeography
- cytophotometry
- descriptive botany
- desert mahogany
- deuteranomaly
- diageotropy
- diaphanoscopy
- direct democracy
- duodenography
- duodenoscopy
- ebulliometry
- ecclesiolatry
- electronography
- enantiotropy
- endocrinopathy
- enigmatography
- epistolography
- escape velocity
- esthesiometry
- ethnogeography
- eucalyptography
- facetiosity
- fluorophotometry
- forest mahogany
- fuel economy
- fuliginosity
- gas chromatography
- gazelle-faced wallaby
- gel chromatography
- geochronometry
- geomorphogeny
- geomorphography
- hemizygosity
- heresiography
- histochemography
- histomorphometry
- historadiography
- horseflesh mahogany
- human geography
- hyperrugosity
- idiomography
- incorrespondency
- incuriosity
- infectiosity
- kinematography
- kirlian photography
- life income policy
- limited policy
- litigiosity
- lugubriosity
- macrophotography
- macrophylogeny
- macroporosity
- malariometry
- market economy
- mass fragmentography
- mental philosophy
- meso-esophagi
- meteorography
- metric geometry
- microfluorometry
- microgeography
- microphotometry
- microseismometry
- microspectrography
- microspectroscopy
- mineralography
- money economy
- monozygosity
- mountain mahogany
- mr angiography
- muzzle velocity
- natal mahogany
- nature philosophy
- nephrolithotomy
- nephrotomography
- nonanatomically
- nosogeography
- occurrence policy
- omoplatoscopy
- orbitonometry
- orohydrography
- oswald ernald mosley
- paleontography
- pedogeography
- pedunculotomy
- periodontally
- perioptometry
- phonophotography
- photobiography
- photochronography
- photofluorography
- photofluoroscopy
- photomacrography
- phototopography
- phototypography
- photozincography
- plane trigonometry
- plutodemocracy
- pneumocystography
- polyautography
- polyphylogeny
- polytomography
- popular sovereignty
- primary quality
- process philosophy
- process photography
- pseudomonotropy
- psychobiography
- pyrheliometry
- pyrophotography
- radar astronomy
- raman spectroscopy
- rechromatography
- revenge pornography
- ridiculosity
- roentgenkymography
- saybolt viscosity
- scottish philosophy
- second philosophy
- semipornography
- serialography
- seriocomedy
- sharing economy
- sipo mahogany
- social democracy
- social philosophy
- solid geometry
- spanish mahogany
- spectrofluorometry
- sphygmomanometry
- splenoportography
- tachygraphometry
- telephotography
- telethermometry
- tertiary quality
- theanthroposophy
- theatrocracy
- theodemocracy
- thermic anomaly
- token economy
- tory democracy
- typolithography
- ungenerosity
- unscrupulosity
- unvalued policy
- ureterography
- ureteroscopy
- ureterostomy
- vesiculography
- village economy
- voluminosity
- wibbly-wobbly
- x-radiography
- x-ray astronomy
- x-ray photography
- xeromammography
- xylopyrography
- xylotypography
- yellow mahogany
7 syllables
- cardiomyopathy
- echocardiography
- electromyography
- heterozygosity
- natural philosophy
- paleogeography
- archaeoastronomy
- domestic economy
- electrophotography
- impecuniosity
- microradiography
- national economy
- radioautography
- absorption spectroscopy
- acoustic thermometry
- acoustic tomography
- aerial photography
- african mahogany
- americanocracy
- angioscotometry
- angular velocity
- anthropogeography
- apexcardiography
- asparagus broccoli
- australian mahogany
- biobibliography
- biophysiography
- brazilian mahogany
- capillarioscopy
- cardiotachometry
- cartobibliography
- cineradiography
- circular velocity
- codfish aristocracy
- collective biography
- column chromatography
- commercial geography
- computed tomography
- conjunctivorhinostomy
- critical philosophy
- critical velocity
- cystopyelography
- dacryocystography
- dacryocystostomy
- deltoid tuberosity
- descriptive geometry
- dialect geography
- discovery policy
- doctor of philosophy
- doctors of philosophy
- dynamic viscosity
- economic botany
- electrokymography
- electron micrography
- electroosmotically
- electroviscosity
- elliptic geometry
- florida mahogany
- fluororadiography
- gamma-ray astronomy
- gluteal tuberosity
- gradient velocity
- gravity anomaly
- haemoglobinometry
- hawaiian mahogany
- heliotypography
- hemoglobinometry
- honduras mahogany
- iconomatography
- ikonomatography
- indian mahogany
- irreligiosity
- linguistic geography
- liquid chromatography
- lunar inequality
- madeira mahogany
- magnetic viscosity
- medical geography
- microangiography
- microdensitometry
- microrespirometry
- microwave spectroscopy
- minilaparotomy
- modified life policy
- monetary policy
- mossbauer spectroscopy
- nautical astronomy
- neuroanatomically
- oesophagoscopy
- optical anomaly
- overgenerosity
- palaeotypography
- paleoethnography
- paper chromatography
- paroemiography
- particle velocity
- patristic philosophy
- pelviolithotomy
- peritoneoscopy
- philippine mahogany
- phonocardiography
- physical astronomy
- physical geography
- physiophilosophy
- positive philosophy
- practical astronomy
- projective geometry
- prostatolithotomy
- pyelolithotomy
- pyeloureterography
- radial velocity
- radio astronomy
- relative velocity
- rheocardiography
- rhodesian mahogany
- sapele mahogany
- secondary quality
- senegal mahogany
- sentimental comedy
- sexual psychopathy
- sialolithotomy
- sign of inequality
- sir oswald ernald mosley
- situation comedy
- spectroheliography
- spectroradiometry
- spherical astronomy
- spherical geometry
- static oceanography
- stereofluoroscopy
- stereomicrography
- stereophotography
- stoicheiometry
- subsistence economy
- synthetic geometry
- synthetic philosophy
- tabasco mahogany
- terminal velocity
- thermoradiography
- three-color photography
- unlimited policy
- urethrocystography
- vectorcardiography
- x-ray crystallography
- xeroradiography
8 syllables
- angiocardiography
- electrocardiography
- political economy
- electroretinography
- hysterosalpingography
- acoustical holography
- algebraic geometry
- analytic geometry
- analytic philosophy
- as a matter of policy
- ballistocardiography
- bilateral monopoly
- cholecystenterostomy
- choledocholithotomy
- chronocinematography
- cinephotomicrography
- cineroentgenography
- colombian mahogany
- colorimetric quality
- comparative philosophy
- computerized tomography
- coordinate geometry
- corpuscular philosophy
- cytospectrophotometry
- descriptive bibliography
- differential geometry
- director of photography
- doppler ultrasonography
- dynamic oceanography
- echoencephalography
- economic geography
- electrochromatography
- electrocorticography
- electrohysterography
- electronystagmography
- electrooculography
- elementary geometry
- esophagogastroscopy
- euclidean geometry
- existential philosophy
- family income policy
- fluororoentgenography
- gas-liquid chromatography
- geographical botany
- hepatolienography
- hyperbolic geometry
- identity philosophy
- industrial democracy
- industrial geography
- ischial tuberosity
- italian turnip broccoli
- kinematic viscosity
- kinetocardiography
- macrocinematography
- magnetocardiography
- microarteriography
- microcinematography
- microkinematography
- microspectrophotometry
- ophthalmodynamometry
- paleophysiography
- parabolic geometry
- parabolic velocity
- partition chromatography
- perennial philosophy
- photoroentgenography
- physical oceanography
- political geography
- proprietary colony
- radial tuberosity
- radiochromatography
- radiogoniometry
- radiometallography
- retrograde pyelography
- riemannian geometry
- semi-autobiography
- semiautobiography
- serial radiography
- sidereal astronomy
- societe anonyme
- speckle interferometry
- speculative philosophy
- spherical trigonometry
- stereoradiography
- supersonic velocity
- tchebycheff inequality
- telemeteorography
- teleoroentgenography
- teleroentgenography
- thin-layer chromatography
- transcendental philosophy
- triangle inequality
- ureterolithotomy
- uterosalpingography
- virtual colonography
- virtual colonoscopy
- west indian mahogany
9 syllables
- electroencephalography
- absorption spectrophotometry
- affinity chromatography
- african scented mahogany
- agglomeration economy
- alexandrian philosophy
- analytic trigonometry
- astronomical geography
- auger electron spectroscopy
- bicipital tuberosity
- biological geography
- coefficient of velocity
- coefficient of viscosity
- dacryocystorhinostomy
- doppler echocardiography
- duodenocholedochotomy
- family maintenance policy
- gravitational astronomy
- honesty is the best policy
- ion-exchange chromatography
- lymphangioadenography
- mathematical geography
- oesophagogastroscopy
- paleobiogeography
- photoelectron spectroscopy
- radiometeorography
- representative democracy
- stereophotomicrography
- ureteroenterostomy
- ureteropyelography
10 syllables
- cholangiopancreatography
- accelerator mass spectrometry
- atomic absorption spectrometry
- atomic absorption spectroscopy
- biological oceanography
- cineangiocardiography
- computed axial tomography
- dual photon absorptiometry
- gel permeation chromatography
- high-pressure liquid chromatography
- magnetic resonance spectroscopy
- molecular sieve chromatography
- ordinary-language philosophy
- positron-emission tomography
- single photon absorptiometry
- ureteroneocystostomy
- ureteroureterostomy
- vicariance biogeography