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Words that Almost Rhyme with orgues
1 syllable
- barbs
- bards
- beards
- bergs
- birds
- boards
- carbs
- cards
- chords
- cordes
- cords
- curbs
- curds
- dards
- fjords
- fords
- gourds
- guards
- hards
- herbs
- herds
- hoards
- hordes
- kurds
- lairds
- lords
- nerds
- serbs
- shards
- sherds
- swards
- swords
- thirds
- verbs
- wards
- words
- yards
- arbs
- bardes
- blurbs
- bords
- garbs
- girds
- gourdes
- kerbs
- lards
- sorbs
- sordes
- surds
- turds
- -ards
- barbes
- burbs
- burgs
- cairds
- courbs
- darbs
- dargs
- dirds
- fourbs
- fyrds
- gerbes
- gerbs
- hurds
- jirds
- larbs
- lourdes
- lourds
- margs
- merds
- nards
- reargues
- rerdes
- slurbs
- tarbes
- turbes
- turbs
- verds
- weirds
2 syllables
- absorbs
- accords
- adsorbs
- affords
- armed guards
- awards
- big words
- discards
- discords
- disturbs
- form words
- last words
- records
- regards
- retards
- rewards
- square yards
- the guards
- the lords
- towards
- bombards
- broadswords
- canards
- code words
- cross swords
- crossed swords
- dead birds
- front yards
- game birds
- id cards
- key words
- night birds
- perturbs
- place cards
- red guards
- school boards
- three birds
- abords
- absurds
- adorbs
- bank cards
- bastaards
- batardes
- bay birds
- bean curds
- beat boards
- becards
- bed boards
- bedcords
- bee birds
- begirds
- belgards
- bell cords
- bicarbs
- blessed words
- block chords
- bombardes
- book cards
- book words
- bouchardes
- brant birds
- bread boards
- breast boards
- bridge birds
- bridge guards
- brocards
- bug words
- bug's words
- cafards
- cage birds
- calf wards
- call birds
- call cards
- car cards
- charge cards
- clock cards
- coast guards
- coat cards
- cocardes
- cost cards
- cowherbs
- cross guards
- crown birds
- cucurbs
- cull boards
- cut cards
- dance cards
- deal boards
- death cords
- death herbs
- death's-herbs
- debeards
- debords
- deck curbs
- desargues
- deturbs
- dice boards
- disorbs
- diverbs
- down cards
- drawcords
- drop cords
- dust boards
- eave boards
- engirds
- exergues
- exurbs
- face cards
- face cords
- face guards
- fiards
- file cards
- filled boards
- fine herbs
- fines herbes
- flank guards
- flash cards
- foot guards
- full verbs
- full words
- gabbards
- ghost words
- gift cards
- goatsbeards
- grand guards
- gray birds
- green cards
- guide cards
- guide words
- hairbeards
- half-swords
- hare's-beards
- hedge birds
- hole cards
- home guards
- ice birds
- immerds
- jacquards
- job cards
- key cards
- key chords
- law lords
- lay cords
- lay lords
- leaf lards
- leg guards
- link verbs
- longbeards
- lord birds
- main guards
- mansards
- mass cards
- mat boards
- mesne lords
- milords
- mist boards
- mood boards
- mound birds
- nasards
- nazards
- nerve cords
- new guards
- ninth chords
- nonce words
- nun birds
- old guards
- orterdes
- page cords
- panshards
- patch cords
- phone cards
- picards
- pip cards
- plume birds
- point guards
- potherbs
- poulardes
- preverbs
- pro-verbs
- prop words
- punch cards
- race boards
- race cards
- rail guards
- rare birds
- rat guards
- rear guards
- red boards
- resorbs
- reverbs
- rewords
- rip cords
- ritards
- sand birds
- sash cords
- scratch cards
- scrive boards
- sea cards
- sea lords
- seabeards
- sedge birds
- sex cords
- shin guards
- shock cords
- shop cards
- show cards
- side cards
- side yards
- sim cards
- simurgs
- sixth chords
- slant boards
- slit cards
- smart cards
- smear words
- snake gourds
- snow guards
- sound boards
- sound cards
- spade beards
- splash guards
- sponge gourds
- spot boards
- spot cards
- squat boards
- state guards
- stock cards
- stock guards
- stop cards
- stowbords
- sunk cords
- sweat boards
- sweet herbs
- swipe cards
- swiss chards
- tabards
- tenth cards
- test boards
- the burbs
- time cards
- toll boards
- top cards
- trade cards
- trail boards
- trail herds
- train guards
- trawl boards
- tree guards
- ungirds
- unguards
- vawards
- veal birds
- wage boards
- waist boards
- wax gourds
- whipcords
- white gourds
- white guards
- whore's birds
- wild cards
- wild gourds
- wind guards
- wool cards
- word-hoards
- yolk cords
3 syllables
- as regards
- business cards
- christmas cards
- credit cards
- cubic yards
- disregards
- household words
- playing cards
- vocal cords
- went towards
- bandy words
- calling cards
- dirty words
- early birds
- empty words
- foreign words
- go towards
- greeting cards
- palace guards
- report cards
- singing birds
- tetrachords
- undergirds
- aaron's-beards
- advance guards
- altar cards
- altered chords
- asthma herbs
- ate her words
- ate his words
- ate its words
- ate my words
- ate one's words
- ate their words
- ate your words
- avant-gardes
- badger birds
- balsam herbs
- bandied words
- bandies words
- barking birds
- batter boards
- bedford cords
- bender boards
- binder boards
- bingo cards
- bitter gourds
- bitter herbs
- blister cards
- blockhead boards
- bonnet gourds
- boodle cards
- bosun birds
- bottle gourds
- breaker cards
- breakfast birds
- bristol boards
- bucking boards
- bumper guards
- bungee cords
- camel birds
- candle boards
- carriage guards
- cattle guards
- chemisorbs
- chuting boards
- circuit boards
- clapper boards
- cobweb birds
- college boards
- colombards
- color guards
- comber boards
- common chords
- compass cards
- contract verbs
- control boards
- cooee birds
- cooling boards
- corner cards
- council boards
- count towards
- counter cards
- counter-argues
- counts towards
- court of wards
- cribbage boards
- cricket birds
- crosses swords
- crossing swords
- crying birds
- cutting boards
- debit cards
- dial birds
- diamond birds
- dicing boards
- dipper gourds
- disaccords
- dishcloth gourds
- diving boards
- dollar birds
- dolly birds
- drafting boards
- dragoon birds
- draining boards
- drawing boards
- drawing cards
- dropping boards
- eat her words
- eat his words
- eat its words
- eat one's words
- eat their words
- eat your words
- eats her words
- eats his words
- eats its words
- eats one's words
- eats their words
- eighty-thirds
- entry words
- false goatsbeards
- feeding boards
- felon herbs
- fifty-thirds
- fighting words
- finger guards
- fire wards
- flannel boards
- flying herds
- forty-thirds
- fourble boards
- friction boards
- fuller's cards
- fuller's herbs
- function words
- gallows birds
- gibber birds
- goes towards
- gold records
- golden barbs
- golden hordes
- gone towards
- graining boards
- hawk's-beards
- healing herbs
- hedgehog gourds
- helmet birds
- helping cards
- helping verbs
- heptachords
- hexachords
- hold the cards
- holy herbs
- honey birds
- honor guards
- house of cards
- house of lords
- huia birds
- in the cards
- ivy gourds
- jacquard boards
- jove's-beards
- just rewards
- king of birds
- langobards
- laughing birds
- layer boards
- ledger boards
- lemon curds
- letter boards
- lettuce birds
- limber boards
- linking verbs
- lion's beards
- locust birds
- longobards
- lost for words
- lotus birds
- mallee birds
- manger boards
- mark my words
- meadow birds
- mealy birds
- message boards
- middle-erds
- mince no words
- misericords
- mixing boards
- mooring boards
- myrtle birds
- navy yards
- nectar birds
- needle boards
- neurochords
- neutral lards
- ninety-thirds
- not mince words
- notice boards
- novachords
- octachords
- of few words
- of its words
- on the cards
- one-eyed cards
- otter boards
- overwords
- pallet boards
- parson birds
- passage birds
- pasture birds
- pattern cards
- pentachords
- permit cards
- pilot birds
- pinon birds
- planning boards
- play her cards
- play his cards
- play my cards
- play on words
- play one's cards
- play their cards
- play with words
- play your cards
- played her cards
- played his cards
- played my cards
- played one's cards
- played their cards
- played your cards
- plays her cards
- plays his cards
- plays one's cards
- plotting boards
- pocket birds
- poling boards
- postal cards
- postrecords
- prairie birds
- prairie gourds
- pre-records
- preacher birds
- prerecords
- pressing boards
- prison birds
- provost guards
- quarter boards
- quarter guards
- quetzal birds
- railroad boards
- rainbow birds
- re-records
- reabsorbs
- regent birds
- reply cards
- rerecords
- reserve cards
- rete cords
- return cards
- ripping cords
- rockweed birds
- room and boards
- rosy barbs
- rudder birds
- running boards
- sacred cords
- saint bernards
- satin birds
- scirrhous cords
- scotland yards
- seal records
- self-regards
- serpent gourds
- serving boards
- setting boards
- seventh chords
- sewing birds
- sewing cords
- shadow birds
- shaving boards
- sheathing boards
- shifting boards
- shipman's cards
- shooting boards
- shoulder boards
- show her cards
- show his cards
- show its cards
- show my cards
- show one's cards
- show their cards
- show your cards
- showed her cards
- showed his cards
- showed its cards
- showed my cards
- showed their cards
- showed your cards
- shown her cards
- shown his cards
- shown its cards
- shown my cards
- shown their cards
- shown your cards
- shows her cards
- shows his cards
- shows its cards
- signal boards
- silver cords
- silverswords
- sixty-thirds
- sliding boards
- soldier's herbs
- solid boards
- soufriere birds
- sounding boards
- sour gourds
- spinal cords
- spiny-herbs
- spreading boards
- st. bernards
- stipple boards
- stock records
- strewing herbs
- stuck for words
- subject cards
- sunken cords
- tackle boards
- tally boards
- tally cards
- tape-records
- teacher birds
- teasel gourds
- test records
- thirty-thirds
- tiger barbs
- tilting boards
- toddy birds
- tourist cards
- towel gourds
- track records
- trailer cards
- trigger guards
- trimming boards
- tropic birds
- turkey beards
- turkey birds
- twenty-thirds
- two-edged swords
- union cards
- unit cards
- unitards
- vandyke beards
- velvet guards
- vesper birds
- wading birds
- walking swords
- walrus birds
- war of words
- warping boards
- water guards
- weasel words
- wedging curbs
- weigh her words
- weigh his words
- weigh one's words
- weigh their words
- white ash herbs
- willow herbs
- window cards
- winter birds
- wire-records
- working cards
- world's records
- worsted cards
- zebra birds
- zener cards
4 syllables
- going towards
- phonorecords
- public records
- bulletin boards
- dental records
- national guards
- visiting cards
- adjutant birds
- antennae swords
- aperture cards
- apostle birds
- ate our words
- banana birds
- bandying words
- brain-fever birds
- buffalo gourds
- calico birds
- carpenter birds
- carpenter's herbs
- casual wards
- cataract birds
- chromatic chords
- cicada birds
- cockyolly birds
- cockyoly birds
- corporal forbes
- corporal's guards
- counted towards
- counting towards
- courtesy cards
- cranberry gourds
- crocodile birds
- diminished chords
- direction words
- document boards
- eat our words
- eaten her words
- eaten his words
- eaten its words
- eaten my words
- eaten one's words
- eaten their words
- eaten your words
- eating her words
- eating his words
- eating its words
- eating my words
- eating one's words
- eating their words
- eating your words
- elephant birds
- expansion cards
- fall on their swords
- fall on your swords
- false vocal cords
- fell on their swords
- fell on your swords
- final records
- finisher cards
- four-letter words
- gardener birds
- genital cords
- goaway birds
- gooseberry gourds
- grandfather's-beards
- great willow herbs
- hold all the cards
- houses of cards
- houses of lords
- hurricane birds
- idiot boards
- idiot cards
- in other words
- indigo birds
- instruction cards
- instrument boards
- ironing boards
- ivory boards
- joggling boards
- jupiter's-beards
- lettres batardes
- mackerel birds
- man of few words
- man-o'-war birds
- memory cards
- milk willow herbs
- mistletoe birds
- mock regent birds
- mulberry birds
- night willow herbs
- not mince her words
- not mince his words
- not mince one's words
- not mince their words
- nul tiel records
- out of their gourds
- paradise birds
- penalty cards
- photorecords
- picardy thirds
- play our cards
- played our cards
- playing her cards
- playing his cards
- playing my cards
- playing one's cards
- playing their cards
- playing your cards
- portmanteau words
- probable words
- purple goatsbeards
- put into words
- puts into words
- quotation boards
- quotation words
- rattlesnake herbs
- reap the rewards
- redundant verbs
- returning boards
- reverse discards
- rifleman birds
- say a few words
- seventy-thirds
- sexual cords
- show our cards
- showed our cards
- showing her cards
- showing his cards
- showing its cards
- showing my cards
- showing their cards
- showing your cards
- shown our cards
- silver awards
- spermatic cords
- spiked willow herbs
- stimulus words
- strengthening cards
- subjective verbs
- swamp willow herbs
- telescope words
- terminal boards
- the house of lords
- thematic verbs
- traveling cards
- true vocal cords
- twist someone's words
- umbrella birds
- unicorn birds
- vanity cards
- venison birds
- ventral nerve cords
- video cards
- willis's cords
- yellow goatsbeards
5 syllables
- medical records
- identity cards
- affinity cards
- at a loss for words
- auxiliary verbs
- bernadette of lourdes
- business reply cards
- catenative verbs
- combination boards
- compensation guards
- corrugated boards
- discouraging cards
- disjunct tetrachords
- distribution boards
- double postal cards
- eating our words
- fall on our swords
- fallen on their swords
- fallen on your swords
- falling on their swords
- falling on your swords
- fell on our swords
- gangliated cords
- golden willow herbs
- hairy willow herbs
- hold all of the cards
- in so many words
- incubator birds
- indicator cards
- insulating boards
- insulation boards
- interior guards
- little locust birds
- major seventh chords
- maneuvering boards
- minor seventh chords
- on her bingo cards
- on his bingo cards
- on my bingo cards
- on one's bingo cards
- on their bingo cards
- on your bingo cards
- out of our gourds
- overplay her cards
- overplay his cards
- overplay one's cards
- overplay their cards
- playing our cards
- precatory words
- psychopathic wards
- putting into words
- red-billed tropic birds
- red-tailed tropic birds
- relative adverbs
- reply postal cards
- rhinoceros birds
- rotary discards
- secondary words
- secretary birds
- showing our cards
- umbilical cords
- white-tailed tropic birds
- woman of few words
- yellow willow herbs
6 syllables
7 syllables
- identification cards
- inferior vocal cords
- put her feelings into words
- put his feelings into words
- put my feelings into words
- put one's feelings into words
- put their feelings into words
- put your feelings into words
- puts her feelings into words
- puts his feelings into words
- puts one's feelings into words
- puts their feelings into words
- superior vocal cords