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Words that Rhyme with dopes
1 syllable
2 syllables
- high hopes
- metopes
- the ropes
- elopes
- hillslopes
- argiopes
- backropes
- bale ropes
- bar soaps
- bell ropes
- boat ropes
- boltropes
- breastropes
- bull ropes
- bushropes
- calf ropes
- cart ropes
- catch-ropes
- crackropes
- crow-soaps
- curd soaps
- dead ropes
- death ropes
- dip ropes
- dip slopes
- dispopes
- dragropes
- drawropes
- fall ropes
- fig soaps
- filled soaps
- flat ropes
- flea soaps
- footropes
- gaincopes
- gantlopes
- glass soaps
- glaucopes
- glide slopes
- grab ropes
- grass ropes
- green soaps
- ground ropes
- group gropes
- guess-ropes
- guest ropes
- guide ropes
- hand ropes
- hard soaps
- headropes
- heel ropes
- hide ropes
- hook ropes
- jack ropes
- jaw ropes
- jump ropes
- lash ropes
- lass-ropes
- lead soaps
- leech ropes
- lime soaps
- manropes
- myopes
- neat soaps
- nightscopes
- ooscopes
- rill stopes
- ring ropes
- rock soaps
- sandsoaps
- sea slopes
- shot ropes
- skip ropes
- slack ropes
- slew ropes
- sling ropes
- slip ropes
- slue ropes
- soft soaps
- soft-soaps
- stauroscopes
- syntropes
- tail ropes
- thumbropes
- tightropes
- topropes
- towropes
- trail ropes
- whale ropes
- wheel ropes
- white hopes
- yacht ropes
- yard ropes
- zoetropes
- zootropes
3 syllables
- antelopes
- biotopes
- cantaloupes
- envelopes
- epitopes
- gyroscopes
- horoscopes
- isotopes
- microscopes
- telescopes
- allotropes
- cantaloups
- endoscopes
- inotropes
- pericopes
- periscopes
- phalaropes
- spectroscopes
- stethoscopes
- ametropes
- anoscopes
- antitropes
- apocopes
- arthroscopes
- auriscopes
- autoscopes
- backhand ropes
- banquette slopes
- baroscopes
- battle ropes
- benthoscopes
- bioscopes
- borescopes
- bottom stopes
- bronchoscopes
- cable ropes
- calyptopes
- castile soaps
- catometopes
- cavascopes
- centerscopes
- centrescopes
- chromascopes
- chromatropes
- chromoscopes
- chromotropes
- chronoscopes
- climbing ropes
- colposcopes
- comparoscopes
- conoscopes
- counterslopes
- cryoscopes
- cyanopes
- cystoscopes
- demimetopes
- desmotropes
- diascopes
- dichroscopes
- docusoaps
- emmetropes
- episcopes
- escalopes
- ethiopes
- ethiops
- fetoscopes
- fiberscopes
- finderscopes
- fluoroscopes
- forlorn hopes
- gantelopes
- gastroscopes
- great white hopes
- haploscopes
- haulage ropes
- hemitropes
- hit the slopes
- hodoscopes
- hydroscopes
- hydrotropes
- hygroscopes
- hyperopes
- hyposcopes
- interlopes
- invert soaps
- isentropes
- jackalopes
- kinescopes
- knows the ropes
- laparoscopes
- laundry soaps
- learn the ropes
- left-hand ropes
- limber ropes
- liriopes
- lithotopes
- locked-wire ropes
- lycanthropes
- lychnoscopes
- marine soaps
- melatopes
- melotropes
- metascopes
- mirrorscopes
- misanthropes
- monkey-ropes
- monoscopes
- mountain soaps
- nasoscopes
- nephoscopes
- neurotropes
- nyctalopes
- oestroscopes
- omniscopes
- on the ropes
- on the slopes
- orthoscopes
- osmoscopes
- otoscopes
- overslopes
- padded soaps
- pagoscopes
- palintropes
- pelviscopes
- phantoscopes
- philanthropes
- phonoscopes
- photoscopes
- phototropes
- platyopes
- polyscopes
- poor man's soaps
- poroscopes
- potash soaps
- pouring ropes
- presbyopes
- proctoscopes
- protanopes
- protopopes
- pseudoscopes
- psychoscopes
- pumice soaps
- pyroscopes
- quarter ropes
- radarscopes
- rectoscopes
- resin soaps
- reverse slopes
- rheotropes
- rhinoscopes
- ridgeropes
- riflescopes
- right-hand ropes
- rosin soaps
- rosined soaps
- rotoscopes
- running ropes
- saddle soaps
- scleroscopes
- seismoscopes
- shaving soaps
- short yard ropes
- shrinkage stopes
- skiascopes
- skipping ropes
- slip-off slopes
- sniperscopes
- snooperscopes
- soapless soaps
- soda soaps
- spotting scopes
- spring lay ropes
- stakeropes
- standing ropes
- statiscopes
- statoscopes
- steel-clad ropes
- stroboscopes
- synanthropes
- synchroscopes
- tachyscopes
- thaumatropes
- thermoscopes
- tiller ropes
- toilet soaps
- tonoscopes
- tritanopes
- underslopes
- verascopes
- viscoscopes
- vitascopes
- wire ropes
- yellow soaps
- zymoscopes
4 syllables
- oscilloscopes
- azeotropes
- heliotropes
- stereoscopes
- aethrioscopes
- amblyoscopes
- anemoscopes
- backhanded ropes
- battling ropes
- blink microscopes
- cardioscopes
- chain envelopes
- chromatoscopes
- colonoscopes
- comparascopes
- defectoscopes
- deuteranopes
- ebullioscopes
- electroscopes
- erythroscopes
- flat envelopes
- flattened-strand ropes
- galvanoscopes
- glassmakers' soaps
- glycerin soaps
- goat antelopes
- gonioscopes
- hagioscopes
- hematoscopes
- hemeralopes
- heteroscopes
- hypermetropes
- hysteroscopes
- iconoscopes
- inspectoscopes
- john thomas scopes
- kaleidoscopes
- kinetoscopes
- laryngoscopes
- left-handed ropes
- luminoscopes
- manoptoscopes
- metallic soaps
- metalloscopes
- natural slopes
- nephelescopes
- nepheloscopes
- opeidoscopes
- ophthalmoscopes
- ophthalmotropes
- otheoscopes
- overhand stopes
- panendoscopes
- pay envelopes
- pharyngoscopes
- phase microscopes
- phonendoscopes
- phosphoroscopes
- pied antelopes
- pithecanthropes
- pluvioscopes
- polariscopes
- polemoscopes
- radioscopes
- red phalaropes
- resectoscopes
- retinoscopes
- right-handed ropes
- roentgenoscopes
- scintilliscopes
- scintilloscopes
- sigmoidoscopes
- slippery slopes
- spinthariscopes
- synchronoscopes
- tachistoscopes
- thoracoscopes
- transmission ropes
- trichinoscopes
- urethroscopes
- zoopraxiscopes
5 syllables
- aerobioscopes
- aluminum soaps
- anaglyphoscopes
- anamorphoscopes
- anomaloscopes
- bezoar antelopes
- biomicroscopes
- biplane fluoroscopes
- capillaroscopes
- compound microscopes
- continental slopes
- dark-field microscopes
- diaphanoscopes
- epidiascopes
- equine antelopes
- esophagoscopes
- exterior slopes
- false heliotropes
- floral envelopes
- four-horned antelopes
- guiding telescopes
- harnessed antelopes
- interior slopes
- locked-coil wire ropes
- mahogany soaps
- martingale backropes
- megalethoscopes
- microspectroscopes
- mountain antelopes
- northern phalaropes
- periodoscopes
- phenakistoscopes
- photochromoscopes
- photomicroscopes
- polar telescopes
- prairie antelopes
- preformed wire ropes
- prism spectroscopes
- pronghorn antelopes
- pygmy antelopes
- radar telescopes
- red-necked phalaropes
- regular-lay ropes
- reply envelopes
- roan antelopes
- royal antelopes
- sable antelopes
- solar microscopes
- solar telescopes
- spectromicroscopes
- superior slopes
- supermicroscopes
- telegraphoscopes
- telemicroscopes
- telethermoscopes
- tower telescopes
- ultramicroscopes
- water antelopes
- water telescopes
- wild heliotropes
- window envelopes
- zebra antelopes
- zenith telescopes
6 syllables
- radioisotopes
- acoustic microscopes
- cassegrain telescopes
- celestial telescopes
- common heliotropes
- cosmic-ray telescopes
- dissecting microscopes
- electron microscopes
- electron telescopes
- field ion microscopes
- fluorescence microscopes
- garden heliotropes
- inverting telescopes
- medicinal soft soaps
- micropolariscopes
- microwave spectroscopes
- nasopharyngoscopes
- oesophagoscopes
- olive-oil castile soaps
- ophthalmoleucoscopes
- ophthalmoleukoscopes
- optical microscopes
- orthostereoscopes
- peritoneoscopes
- phase-contrast microscopes
- phonoprojectoscopes
- proctosigmoidoscopes
- radio telescopes
- rectosigmoidoscopes
- reflecting telescopes
- refracting telescopes
- registered envelopes
- rhinolaryngoscopes
- seashore heliotropes
- seaside heliotropes
- spectrohelioscopes
- spectropolariscopes
- stereofluoroscopes
- stereomicroscopes
- stereotelescopes
- summer heliotropes
- telestereoscopes
- traveling microscopes
- tropostereoscopes
- unicorn antelopes
- visual telescopes
- winter heliotropes