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Words that Rhyme with hidey-hole
1 syllable
2 syllables
- bankroll
- bedroll
- big hole
- black hole
- borehole
- cajole
- catchpole
- charcoal
- condole
- control
- dipole
- downhole
- enroll
- extol
- eye roll
- flagpole
- formol
- foxhole
- gambol
- in whole
- indole
- keyhole
- lodgepole
- loophole
- lost soul
- manhole
- maypole
- north pole
- parol
- parole
- patrol
- payroll
- peephole
- pinhole
- porthole
- pothole
- punch bowl
- pyrrole
- sinkhole
- south pole
- subgoal
- systole
- tadpole
- the hole
- unroll
- blowhole
- bunghole
- death toll
- deed poll
- dust bowl
- egg roll
- field goal
- fishbowl
- handhole
- hellhole
- knothole
- long roll
- medrol
- mousehole
- mudhole
- ongole
- outsole
- pheidole
- pinole
- pistole
- posthole
- quinol
- redpoll
- ridgepole
- smoke hole
- the dole
- washbowl
- a-hole
- ahole
- air hole
- airhole
- anole
- atole
- bank pole
- bank vole
- barge pole
- barnaul
- beadroll
- bean hole
- beanpole
- besoul
- black coal
- blasthole
- block coal
- blockhole
- board hole
- bob dole
- boghole
- bolt-hole
- bone coal
- boom pole
- borecole
- braciole
- break roll
- breast hole
- breast roll
- bricole
- bright coal
- brise vole
- broad sole
- brogue hole
- brown coal
- bush soul
- butthole
- bye hole
- c-scroll
- cakehole
- cathole
- cedrol
- chrome sole
- chuckhole
- chughole
- citole
- clodpole
- clodpoll
- clothespole
- clotpoll
- coalhole
- cob coal
- cold pole
- cold-roll
- cornhole
- couch roll
- court roll
- crabhole
- creephole
- cross roll
- crump hole
- dead hole
- deeds poll
- dibhole
- doghole
- doomscroll
- drop goal
- dropped goal
- drumroll
- dry coal
- dry hole
- dutch roll
- earhole
- earth coal
- edge roll
- egg coal
- eighth pole
- enscroll
- ensoul
- escroll
- extoll
- eye-roll
- eyehole
- feed roll
- feme sole
- femes sole
- fid hole
- field vole
- fish pole
- five-hole
- flash hole
- float bowl
- floss hole
- forepole
- french roll
- french scroll
- french sole
- frottole
- funk hole
- furole
- gas coal
- gee pole
- gin pole
- girolle
- glance coal
- gogol
- good ol'
- grain bowl
- greased pole
- gunkhole
- half sole
- half-roll
- half-sole
- hard coal
- hawsehole
- heart-whole
- high-hole
- hip roll
- hoop pole
- hot roll
- hot-roll
- in foal
- in-goal
- inroll
- inscroll
- jackroll
- jawhole
- jehol
- jet coal
- kilnhole
- knee roll
- kneehole
- lamphole
- large pole
- leaf roll
- let's roll
- live hole
- lockhole
- logroll
- lug pole
- lug sole
- lump coal
- midsole
- mill hole
- mill roll
- musk mole
- neckhole
- nicolle
- nip roll
- nkole
- nosehole
- nut coal
- oilhole
- onroll
- opole
- outpoll
- outroll
- own goal
- pad roll
- pea coal
- peat coal
- perch pole
- pesthole
- pickpole
- pie hole
- piehole
- pike pole
- pipe roll
- pit coal
- pitch bowl
- pitch coal
- pitchhole
- pitchpole
- pithole
- plow sole
- plughole
- pool hole
- pophole
- posole
- pouched mole
- press roll
- priest hole
- priest's hole
- prypole
- pump sole
- quintole
- rabaul
- range pole
- rat mole
- rathole
- recoal
- red bole
- red poll
- redpole
- reed vole
- rent-roll
- reroll
- resole
- rex sole
- rice bowl
- rice coal
- ridge roll
- rissole
- rock hole
- rock vole
- root vole
- rum-hole
- rust bowl
- sand hole
- sand mole
- sand roll
- sand sole
- saxaul
- sea coal
- sea cole
- seal hole
- septole
- sestole
- sextole
- sheer pole
- shell hole
- shot hole
- shrew mole
- sine prole
- skatole
- ski pole
- slack coal
- slide pole
- slipsole
- slop bowl
- small coal
- snake hole
- snap roll
- snow vole
- sobole
- soft coal
- soft sole
- sound hole
- splint coal
- spout hole
- spring pole
- spring roll
- squeeze roll
- stay hole
- steam coal
- steamroll
- stokehole
- stone coal
- stove coal
- strand mole
- straw poll
- stroke hole
- sub-goal
- suckhole
- sway pole
- sweet roll
- swillbowl
- swiss roll
- tap sole
- taphole
- tax roll
- teabowl
- teasehole
- tee-hole
- teind boll
- tentpole
- thumbhole
- tier pole
- tirole
- tongue sole
- top-hole
- touchhole
- triole
- tube roll
- two-hole
- uproll
- venthole
- violle
- walpole
- war pole
- waste bowl
- weep hole
- wellhole
- whip roll
- white coal
- white hole
- windhole
- wing roll
- wood coal
- world soul
- zeppole
3 syllables
- amphibole
- asystole
- birth control
- buttonhole
- casserole
- centriole
- decontrol
- fishing pole
- glycerol
- in control
- metropole
- mixing bowl
- monopole
- multipole
- omeprazole
- oriole
- petiole
- pigeonhole
- polyol
- quadrupole
- rabbit hole
- rigmarole
- seminole
- stilbestrol
- sugar bowl
- super bowl
- triazole
- water hole
- amitrole
- anisole
- areole
- arms control
- borneol
- camisole
- cineole
- cruise control
- cubbyhole
- danazol
- espagnole
- flight control
- foot patrol
- fumarole
- goldfish bowl
- gun control
- honor roll
- interpole
- metrazol
- octupole
- ostiole
- oversoul
- pyrazole
- rent control
- starring role
- swimming hole
- tetrazole
- totem pole
- acetol
- adinole
- aholehole
- alicole
- alpine vole
- anethole
- anti-roll
- antipole
- antiroll
- any ol'
- apiole
- archicoele
- arvicole
- as a whole
- azarole
- ball control
- banderole
- barber pole
- barber's pole
- bare her soul
- bare his soul
- bare one's soul
- bare their soul
- barley coal
- barrel roll
- barrel-roll
- beater roll
- better 'ole
- birth-control
- blanket roll
- bless my soul
- body roll
- boghead coal
- bogie roll
- borazole
- bottom-hole
- bovey coal
- brewer's mole
- broken coal
- bubble bowl
- bucking roll
- buckwheat coal
- bunker coal
- bush parole
- calcicole
- calking roll
- campagnol
- candle coal
- cannel coal
- caprifole
- capriole
- caracole
- carambole
- cariole
- carmagnole
- carneole
- caulicole
- cellar hole
- checker roll
- chef d'ecole
- chefs d'ecole
- cherry coal
- chestnut coal
- coffee roll
- coking coal
- corticole
- cost control
- counterpole
- cradle roll
- cream-soup bowl
- creosol
- crokinole
- croquignole
- cuapinole
- cuddyhole
- cushion sole
- dandy roll
- danse d'ecole
- dariole
- dawn patrol
- decimole
- denehole
- diacoele
- diazole
- disenroll
- distance pole
- double sole
- dover sole
- drop manhole
- eastern roll
- endocoele
- english sole
- entocoele
- epibole
- epicoele
- ertebolle
- exit poll
- farandole
- fiesole
- finger bowl
- finger hole
- finger roll
- flemish scroll
- fluid coal
- foliole
- forest mole
- forging roll
- fumerole
- gallup poll
- gastrocoele
- genestrole
- gibbs's mole
- girandole
- girasole
- glareole
- gloriole
- glory hole
- glucotrol
- glycerole
- gnamma hole
- golden mole
- gonocoele
- gopher hole
- grand guignol
- greasy pole
- green anole
- hardie hole
- hardy hole
- haute ecole
- heads will roll
- heart and soul
- heinrich boll
- helepole
- helmut kohl
- hidy-hole
- holochroal
- holy pole
- hydrocoele
- in the hole
- innersole
- intersole
- iprindole
- jackson hole
- jelly roll
- job control
- judas hole
- judgment roll
- jumbo roll
- kaiser roll
- kindle-coal
- kitchen roll
- kure atoll
- lady's hole
- last-gasp goal
- lemon sole
- limber hole
- linen scroll
- linnet hole
- lobster roll
- lubber's hole
- manicole
- meadow vole
- melon hole
- mercaptole
- metazoal
- millimole
- music roll
- muster roll
- myocoele
- nayankole
- necropole
- nei monggol
- nemoricole
- nephrocoele
- neurocoele
- nicotrol
- nineteenth hole
- nucleol-
- nucleole
- nyankole
- octopole
- off the dole
- olive hole
- on a roll
- on the dole
- on the whole
- open hole
- outersole
- overbowl
- overpole
- oxindole
- ozone hole
- paper coal
- peacock coal
- petrale sole
- petricole
- petrocole
- phenetole
- pick-and-roll
- platform sole
- play the role
- pocket-hole
- polyzoal
- powder hole
- prairie mole
- pratincole
- presystole
- prickly pole
- promizole
- pseudatoll
- pumiced sole
- pyribole
- quadripole
- ragman roll
- ragman's roll
- ranging pole
- rantipole
- re-enroll
- recontrol
- red charcoal
- reenroll
- rhodinol
- rip a hole
- river coal
- rivet hole
- rocambole
- rock 'n' roll
- rock and roll
- rock-and-roll
- rocombole
- romagnol
- romagnole
- rudderhole
- sanford dole
- sarakole
- self-control
- sell her soul
- sell his soul
- sell one's soul
- sell their soul
- setting pole
- shadow roll
- shore patrol
- simferopol'
- ski patrol
- sky control
- skysail pole
- slagging hole
- smithing coal
- smithy coal
- spanish scroll
- speaker hole
- speaking role
- speed control
- spencer roll
- sphagnicole
- spider hole
- spilehole
- spin control
- splanchnocoele
- squatarole
- squaterole
- standard hole
- star-nosed mole
- starting hole
- station pole
- statute roll
- stavropol'
- stick control
- story pole
- sushi roll
- table roll
- take a toll
- take its toll
- tapping hole
- terricole
- the north pole
- the south pole
- thomas cole
- thought control
- toilet roll
- tommy hole
- tone control
- touch-in-goal
- trabacole
- trimming hole
- trolley pole
- tubicole
- tundra vole
- turcopole
- typhlosole
- uncontrol
- underhole
- underpole
- up the pole
- urazole
- variole
- veratrole
- wassail bowl
- water mole
- water roll
- water vole
- western roll
- wheel control
- whisker pole
- window bole
- wood charcoal
- working hole
- xerocole
- yellow poll
- yellow vole
4 syllables
- arteriole
- damage control
- levamisole
- remote control
- social control
- telephone pole
- under control
- watering hole
- dicumarol
- direct control
- extrasystole
- fire control
- lansoprazole
- mission control
- phytosterol
- postpetiole
- sensitive soul
- telegraph pole
- terpineol
- tetrapyrrole
- a greater whole
- absidiole
- access control
- ace in the hole
- acquittance roll
- actinozoal
- agnosterol
- aileron roll
- anastrozole
- angle of roll
- animal pole
- animal soul
- apsidiole
- arboricole
- ascaridole
- bibliopole
- body and soul
- bottoming hole
- cardiazole
- cavernicole
- celestial pole
- consequent pole
- coprosterol
- coyote hole
- cryptopyrrole
- danses d'ecole
- dicoumarol
- diglycerol
- dill apiole
- down the plughole
- ecliptic pole
- en casserole
- engine control
- enterocoele
- esomeprazole
- eucalyptole
- exchange control
- fire patrol
- flettner control
- fluidized coal
- folded dipole
- galactic pole
- gathering coal
- hairy-tailed mole
- hapa haole
- hemopyrrole
- hoary redpoll
- horace walpole
- hornemann's redpoll
- hostler's control
- isosafrole
- koa haole
- lake seminole
- liberty pole
- lightening hole
- maculicole
- magnetic pole
- mealy redpoll
- memory hole
- memory-hole
- microatoll
- mineral coal
- mother of coal
- mustard-seed coal
- negative pole
- north-seeking pole
- opinion poll
- ovariole
- overcontrol
- pantoprazole
- parasystole
- parker house roll
- parliament roll
- penalty goal
- phyllopyrrole
- piacevole
- piano roll
- pillar and scroll
- porteous roll
- positive pole
- potential hole
- pour out her soul
- pour out his soul
- pour out one's soul
- pour out their soul
- profiterole
- pseudonitrole
- rabeprazole
- rational soul
- ready to roll
- reduction roll
- reginald pole
- rigamarole
- saint-cyr-l'ecole
- salient pole
- scavenger roll
- servo control
- sevastopol
- shut your pie hole
- south-seeking pole
- southern mongol
- telecontrol
- through-and-through coal
- toad-in-the-hole
- torrenticole
- vegetal pole
- yellow leaf roll
- yellow redpoll
5 syllables
- animal control
- aripiprazole
- benzotriazole
- quality control
- aces in the hole
- air traffic control
- alkanethiol
- an ace in the hole
- analogous pole
- animal charcoal
- antilogous pole
- audible control
- beyond her control
- beyond his control
- beyond one's control
- beyond their control
- bituminous coal
- bullock's oriole
- california roll
- commercial control
- commutating pole
- conception control
- corporation sole
- crested oriole
- cyclic-pitch control
- dexlansoprazole
- duodecimole
- elevated pole
- giant forest mole
- going on the dole
- golden oriole
- hooded oriole
- in someone's control
- internal control
- isoborneol
- lose all self-control
- marsupial mole
- metarteriole
- michigan bankroll
- mineral charcoal
- nelson's oriole
- north celestial pole
- northern oriole
- orchard oriole
- oriental bole
- oxadiazole
- palmyra atoll
- phosphoglycerol
- production control
- radar cruise control
- radio control
- radio-control
- robert joseph dole
- sanford ballard dole
- sennett's oriole
- sir robert walpole
- south celestial pole
- spin out of control
- terrestrial pole
- the ace in the hole
- thiadiazole
- utility pole
- vegetative pole
- visiting patrol
- visual control
- vitruvian scroll
- went down the plughole
6 syllables
- diethylstilbestrol
- hydroxyanisole
- pentylenetetrazol
- activated charcoal
- adaptive cruise control
- aminotriazole
- baltimore oriole
- beta-sitosterol
- carolina anole
- committee of the whole
- executive control
- gamma-sitosterol
- geomagnetic pole
- going down the plughole
- heads are going to roll
- heinrich theodor boll
- hydatidiform mole
- inventory control
- north terrestrial pole
- not touch with a bargepole
- numerical control
- put in a pigeonhole
- sir hugh seymour walpole
- south terrestrial pole
- under someone's control
- unit magnetic pole
- wobbling of the pole