How to Use Neptune in a Sentence
For those who did not get lucky in Neptune, there’s still more cash to be won.
—Sara Smart, CNN, 27 Sep. 2023
The orbit takes it as far away as the orbit of Neptune and as close as the orbit of Venus.
—Greg Wehner, Fox News, 18 Mar. 2024
The title likens the blue, windy atmosphere on Neptune to that of the wintry Cape.
—Cate McQuaid,, 17 Aug. 2023
Pisces What the stars are up to: Your sign ruler Neptune is retrograde in your sign.
—Jennifer Culp, Them, 16 Oct. 2024
Pitts said most of the planets are smaller than Neptune.
—CBS News, 30 Nov. 2023
At the same time, a strong Neptune and Mars energy will push you to focus on your health.
—Korin Miller, Women's Health, 21 Aug. 2023
In 1989, a storm was documented on Neptune and named the Great Dark Spot.
—Sara Novak, Discover Magazine, 15 Aug. 2024
The trident that is the company’s emblem is a replica of the one found in the Fountain of Neptune in Bologna.
—Nick Vivarelli, Variety, 14 Oct. 2024
Pisces What the stars are up to: Saturn and your ruler Neptune are both retrograde in your sign.
—Jennifer Culp, Them, 13 Sep. 2024
Cops said the incident happened at the Neptune Ave. station on the F line at 3 p.m. on June 7.
—Rocco Parascandola, New York Daily News, 20 June 2024
No missions to Neptune and Triton are planned before the late 2030s.
—Discover Magazine, 26 Oct. 2023
The home where deputies discovered the twin girls is about 10 miles east of downtown Jacksonville and west of Neptune Beach.
—Scott Butler, USA TODAY, 9 Sep. 2023
In fact, Neptune, the farthest planet from the sun, is never visible to the naked eye.
—Christian Thorsberg, Smithsonian Magazine, 3 June 2024
In terms of the performance-to-price ratio, this Neptune model can’t be beat.
—Hunter Fenollol, Popular Mechanics, 31 Mar. 2023
Mars standing off with Neptune says to shift your focus.
—USA TODAY, 22 Aug. 2023
With the sea and mountains in the near distance, the scene surely could have been mistaken as a nod to the Roman deity Neptune.
—Isiah Magsino, Town & Country, 26 May 2023
One asks you to get kills on Neptune, where the Competitive Nightfall counts, at least this week.
—Paul Tassi, Forbes, 7 May 2023
Seemingly unchanged for a billion years, the six planets around a sun-like star are all between the size of Earth and Neptune.
—Jamie Carter, Forbes, 29 Nov. 2023
This is when Mercury perfects its trine with Jupiter, and Venus squares Neptune in the most angular (read: loudest) parts of your chart.
—Steph Koyfman, Condé Nast Traveler, 27 Dec. 2023
This new moon is in the sign of Gemini, and it’s also connected with Neptune, the planet of dreaming.
—Korin Miller, Women's Health, 17 June 2023
But the outermost planet — also about the mass of Neptune — may survive.
—Quanta Magazine, 20 Dec. 2023
Super Earth refers to a planet's size — bigger than Earth but smaller than Neptune.
—CBS News, 8 May 2024
Or there might still be nine if some astronomers are correct about an as-yet undiscovered large body out past Neptune.
—Phil Plait, Scientific American, 30 Jan. 2025
Uranus and Neptune, meanwhile—the most remote of the group—will require high-power binoculars or a telescope.
—Jeffrey Kluger, TIME, 28 May 2024
Strange experiences prompt you to self-isolate as the moon clashes with Neptune.
—USA TODAY, 5 Nov. 2024
The law works for Ceres, which predicted that there should be something in the region of the asteroid belt but failed after the discovery of Neptune.
—Paul M. Sutter, Discover Magazine, 5 Dec. 2023
In the distant future, a mysterious crime unfolds on the lonely Neptune moon of Athos.
—Leo Barraclough, Variety, 2 May 2024
With his truck at a standstill just before the turn onto Neptune Road in East Boston, one driver offered a resigned view of his fate.
—Daniel Kool,, 11 July 2023
Since the start of the program, Hubble has watched several swirling storms drift through the atmosphere of Neptune, a planet with a whopping 40-year seasons.
—Sam Walters, Discover Magazine, 12 Dec. 2024
Guests staying in Neptune and Pinnacle suites can dine in Club Orange, a more intimate dining room with a menu that largely matches what’s served in the main dining room.
—David Swanson, Travel + Leisure, 14 Dec. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'Neptune.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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