How to Use almighty in a Sentence
James caught the ball, took a step, crossed the almighty plane.
—Paul Daugherty,, 18 Dec. 2017
Hence the rise of liters and kilograms and, of course, the almighty meter.
—Katie Hafner, Washington Post, 30 Nov. 2022
And may God hold us all in those almighty hands of love.
—Randall Balmer, Washington Post, 21 May 2018
And may God hold us all In those almighty hands of love.
—Samantha Cooney, Time, 19 May 2018
The games will go on, hanging by the thread of the almighty dollar.
—Paul Newberry, Star Tribune, 27 Nov. 2020
The almighty rich spend most of their time scrambling not to be dethroned.
—Jessica M. Goldstein, Marie Claire, 9 Nov. 2021
The goddess was a weaver fairy and the youngest daughter of the almighty goddess of heaven.
—Wei Li, The Conversation, 11 Feb. 2020
Case in point: if the almighty Batman can get sick, anyone can.
—Natalie Morin,, 4 Sep. 2020
The Beethoven is just plain loud and busy, the strings and the brass and the singing creating an almighty dynamic din.
—Christopher Arnott, Hartford Courant, 11 June 2022
The only reason this game was played is the almighty dollar.
—Scooby Axson, USA TODAY, 29 Aug. 2022
Tiresias may have been just poking some fun at the almighty gods.
—Rachel E. Gross, Scientific American, 4 Mar. 2020
That's not to say Harris is devoted to the almighty buck - nor is that a bad thing.
—Chuck Yarborough,, 22 Apr. 2018
But his belief in the almighty power of a killer recipe keeps him going.
—Eve Conant, Travel, 30 Dec. 2020
But the almighty onion deserves a place on that list of iconic charred flavors.
—Chuck Blount, San Antonio Express-News, 11 May 2021
Anything to protect the health of the almighty signal caller.
—Kevin Cusick, Twin Cities, 22 Sep. 2019
Sell many fewer, and Cybertruck will be an almighty flop.
—Carlton Reid, WIRED, 1 Dec. 2023
May the almighty embrace your soul & lift up your family and friends.
—Natalie Maher, Billboard, 13 Mar. 2018
Allah’s the name of the almighty creator, Allahu Akbar—that’s his name.
—Matt Wolfe, New Republic, 2 Aug. 2017
Such an outcome would be an upset, but not an almighty one.
—Martin Rogers, USA TODAY, 1 Nov. 2017
Our only hope against this evil is the activist outrage of these parents groups and, of course, the grace of almighty God.
—For The Carroll County Times, Baltimore Sun, 11 Feb. 2024
One of Saturday’s biggest draws is the almighty Wu-Tang Clan.
—Adelle Platon, Billboard, 1 June 2017
In ancient Kahndaq, the slave Teth Adam was gifted the almighty powers of the gods.
—Jacob Siegal, BGR, 9 Dec. 2022
My brother, my sister, God love you, God bless you, and may God hold us all in those almighty hands of love.
—Fox News, 19 May 2018
Is Lucifer the acrobat who has been damned by an almighty god?
—Vulture, 21 Oct. 2022
The mouth almighty species forms seemingly faithful pairs in the lab, Mrs. Abecia said.
—New York Times, 3 May 2022
One of the more confounding developments of the markets slump is the rise of the almighty dollar.
—Fortune, 5 Mar. 2021
None of this is meant to knock the NBA or question its decision to go head-with-head with almighty football.
—Tim Cowlishaw, Dallas News, 5 June 2020
Brexit has been, and remains, an almighty mess for which there is still no clear outcome.
—Peter Ford, The Christian Science Monitor, 11 July 2018
But for the artist that catches this fire, records their way out of the bedroom, and gets their hooks blasted to fame by the almighty algorithm, this is only the crossing of a threshold.
—Chris Gallagher, USA TODAY, 12 May 2024
Seven Casino: Topping our list of European casinos online is this almighty site.
—Arnette Leonetti, The Mercury News, 20 Feb. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'almighty.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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