How to Use brainwashing in a Sentence
Mantras then are a kind of healthy, self-imposed brainwashing that puts the brain in a calm state.
—Ephrat Livni, Quartzy, 10 Aug. 2019
Most of them were ready for the brainwashing like sheep going to slaughter.
—Pamela Weintraub, Discover Magazine, 30 May 2012
But these practices strike me as forms of self-brainwashing.
—John Horgan, Scientific American, 11 Sep. 2020
My work deals with capitalism, consumerism, brainwashing, and the idea of a Black body, and how the Black body is being seen today.
—Rayna Reid, Essence, 1 Dec. 2021
After some kick-ass action, Barnes seems to be at least partially released of his brainwashing by the action of the film.
—Brian Tallerico, Vulture, 18 Mar. 2021
After some kick-ass action, Barnes seems to be at least partially released of his brainwashing by the action of the film.
—Ron Amadeo, Ars Technica, 27 Feb. 2023
And how strange things that can happen between human beings, and the mechanism, brainwashing and all that.
—Risa Sarachan, Forbes, 13 May 2021
Of course, the aspect of the film that has proven to be most intriguing over time is not the brainwashing theme, but rather the assassination subject matter.
—Gordon Arnold, Slate Magazine, 26 May 2017
All countries have cults, and being well schooled is no protection against brainwashing.
—The Economist, 12 July 2018
Women waste so much time and energy on this nonsense, this brainwashing.
—Los Angeles Times, 18 Dec. 2022
This is the story of what happens to kids in war, what happens to the mind under a kind of brainwashing, especially a susceptible teenage mind.
—Mark Olsenstaff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 13 Sep. 2019
Some say that the science of brainwashing has proven that frequency is key, that hammering a message home works, no matter what people like me say.
—Matthew Gilbert,, 2 Feb. 2023
In some cases, deprogrammers would kidnap a group member, detain them for hours or days, and use arguments and videos to try to undo the brainwashing.
—Michael Schulson/undark, Popular Science, 4 Mar. 2021
In Demi’s issue, a glossy ad for Gucci printed in the pages before the magazine masthead is jammed with a subtle, studied brainwashing.
—Cintra Wilson, The New York Review of Books, 11 Feb. 2020
The mass media is the biggest tool of indoctrination, brainwashing and propaganda the world has ever seen.
—Dan Wolken, USA TODAY, 1 Nov. 2022
Dark Persuasion suggests that the language of brainwashing is incommensurate with the problems of our time, and a hangover from the era of America’s most paranoid wars.
—Jo Livingstone, The New Republic, 17 Aug. 2021
In contrast, Bistline's defense attorney Daniel Kaiser argued that his client was a victim of severe abuse and brainwashing by Bateman.
—Lacey Latch, The Arizona Republic, 13 Dec. 2022
In contrast, Bistline's defense attorney, Daniel Kaiser, argued that his client was a victim of severe abuse and brainwashing by Bateman.
—Miguel Torres, The Arizona Republic, 15 Dec. 2022
The problem is the popular use of the word is often used to describe authoritarian groups that practice mind control or brainwashing.
—Mathew Schmalz, The Conversation, 5 Aug. 2021
Culber also mentions that there are new ways to do brainwashing in which one identity is overlaid on top of another identity.
—Annalee Newitz, Ars Technica, 9 Jan. 2018
There is little counseling on offer for repatriated Yazidi boys to help treat their trauma or counter the brainwashing they were subjected to.
—Nima Elbagir, Ghazi Balkiz and Tamara Qiblawi, CNN, 18 Oct. 2017
This is Granny Goodness, another servant of Darkseid who trains elite soldiers for her lord using a combination of sadism, torture, and brainwashing.
—James Grebey, Vulture, 18 Mar. 2021
The brainwashing starts with seemingly harmless, comic-book escapism.
—Armond White, National Review, 22 Nov. 2023
A lot of my research and thinking is about how, basically, there's collective brainwashing that has gone on around the purpose of business, and it being solely focused on shareholders and profit.
—Christopher Marquis, Forbes, 1 June 2022
Reyes said lawyers who wish to make a case for brainwashing or political radicalization would have to demonstrate that their clients have a strong enough mental disability to prevent them from knowing right from wrong.
—Kevin Krause, Dallas News, 31 Jan. 2021
Meditation is self-brainwashing aimed at taming your monkey mind.
—John Horgan, Scientific American, 6 Feb. 2021
In that classic film sequence, the non sequiturs and insinuations produce building tension, as well as the suspicion that brainwashing is involved.
—Daniel Fienberg, The Hollywood Reporter, 24 Mar. 2023
The wives expect completely unnatural emotional reactions from the handmaids, and even Aunt Lydia’s brutal brainwashing isn’t enough to put the handmaids’ brains in line with the wives’ expectations.
—Rena Gross, Billboard, 20 June 2018
There is an exegesis on brainwashing and transcriptions of psychotherapy sessions; there are echoes and doublings.
—David L. Ulin, Los Angeles Times, 14 Jan. 2022
Even if their minds are someday freed after Putin’s regime collapses, propagandistic brainwashing also takes time to undo.
—Brian Klaas, The Atlantic, 14 Mar. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'brainwashing.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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