How to Use capping in a Sentence


  • There was a strong capping inversion in place — a layer of warm air in place about a mile above the ground.
    Matthew Cappucci, Washington Post, 17 May 2018
  • The grandparents of 11 trudged through 5 feet of white-capping water.
    Janine Zeitlin, USA TODAY, 8 Oct. 2022
  • This black ale manages to be dark but not bitter, thanks to a German technique called mash capping.
    Ac Shilton, Outside Online, 6 Dec. 2019
  • Thompson was fouled making the steal, then made two more free throws before his game-capping breakaway dunk.
    San Francisco Chronicle, 15 Jan. 2022
  • The contracts are designed to protect the state if Nordaq doesn't properly plug and abandon the wells within a year and the state is forced to pay for their capping and cleanup.
    Alex Demarban, Alaska Dispatch News, 25 July 2017
  • The big YouTube ad-tech pitch to Madison Avenue was the new ad-frequency capping solution.
    Todd Spangler, Variety, 17 May 2022
  • Schiphol capping flights, and even suggesting the customers don't check bags when connecting.
    Ben Baldanza, Forbes, 25 July 2022
  • For manual cool capping, patients are responsible for the dry ice as well as training costs for a loved one to replace the cap.
    Adrianna Rodriguez, USA TODAY, 15 Oct. 2021
  • Thompson was fouled making the steal, then hit two more free throws before a game-capping breakaway dunk after Baylor missed its last shot.
    Stephen Hawkins, ajc, 16 Jan. 2022
  • The package included rent waivers, new exploration incentives and the capping and waiving of charges and fees.
    CNN, 24 Sep. 2020
  • This is rich, coming from the Global Warming capo on the left, he who relishes rhetorical knee-capping.
    Keith Kloor, Discover Magazine, 2 June 2011
  • National City may adopt a law next month capping rent increases at mobile home parks.
    Tammy Murga, San Diego Union-Tribune, 23 Oct. 2022
  • In 2017, a federal court struck down the FCC's capping of intrastate prison phone calls, resulting in much higher costs for inmates making calls in state.
    Luke Barr, ABC News, 28 Dec. 2022
  • The company cites a bottleneck in the bottling, capping and labeling process.
    Chronicle Staff, San Francisco Chronicle, 6 Feb. 2021
  • Eventually, the app and smart cards will also offer fare capping, to prevent riders from paying above the cost of an all-day or monthly pass.
    Kaitlin Durbin, cleveland, 26 Apr. 2022
  • Perhaps the most startling shift came last week, when the president began a slow, brutal, public knee-capping of his chief strategist, Steve Bannon.
    Emily Jane Fox, The Hive, 14 Apr. 2017
  • At the top of the formation, where the ambient air temperature dropped below freezing, the vapor froze to create a smooth white surface, like a meringue—a process called ice-capping.
    The New Yorker, 8 Nov. 2021
  • Other cities are considering capping fees, at least until the health crisis ends.
    Susan Dunne,, 29 Jan. 2022
  • The partners have done much of the work by hand — cooking and stirring the red sauce in 40-gallon pots with a paddle the size of a rowboat oar; filling, capping and labeling each 24-ounce jar; packing cases for shipment.
    Jesse Leavenworth,, 13 Feb. 2022
  • Debit and credit card users will also benefit from fare capping.
    Drake Bentley, Journal Sentinel, 1 Apr. 2023
  • The capping system was constructed to promote water runoff and prevent water from migrating into the CCR to ensure the integrity of the sites.
    Dennis Pillion |, al, 3 July 2022
  • Moderna has been ramping up production of its vaccine, but the process of filling, capping and labeling millions of tiny vials has emerged as a roadblock.
    Noah Weiland,, 2 Feb. 2021
  • But it’s not early adopters who have the most to gain here: Fare capping means that lower-income riders avoid the upfront investment that an unlimited card requires.
    Valeria Ricciulli, Curbed, 17 Dec. 2021
  • Its discovery halted the construction of a new atrium that will cover the landscaped yard area, but with the capping underway, Heckelmoser felt the project was getting back on track.
    Carey L. Biron, Journal Sentinel, 7 June 2022
  • Among the options listed is the extension of maturities on euro-area loans to Greece, as well as the capping and deferral of interest payments.
    Viktoria Dendrinou,, 22 May 2017
  • Furthermore, without frequency capping, consumers may get the same messages again and again.
    Kenneth Suh, Forbes, 1 Sep. 2021
  • The mechanism could entail measures such as further re-profiling of Greek loans and the capping and deferral of interest payments, the statement said.
    Viktoria Dendrinou,, 15 June 2017
  • Dutcher pointed to a conference-capping win last season at Nevada.
    Bryce Miller Columnist, San Diego Union-Tribune, 23 Nov. 2020
  • Orlando signed off on new rules of the road for its electric scooter program Monday, including capping speeds to 10 mph and charging companies a nickel more per ride.
    Ryan Gillespie,, 8 Nov. 2021
  • Fare capping will ultimately result in many riders paying less.
    Drake Bentley, Journal Sentinel, 1 Apr. 2023

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'capping.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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