How to Use clapboard in a Sentence
Many of the old dogtrot homes and clapboard houses can be found around the state.
—Curtis Varnell The Timepiece,, 13 Oct. 2024
The white clapboard main house and most of the log guest cabins were built a century ago.
—Laura Dannen Redman, Condé Nast Traveler, 20 July 2018
A small clapboard house once stood on the site, but it had been abandoned for years and was in a sorry state.
—Ian Phillips, ELLE Decor, 9 Apr. 2015
One of its clapboard downtown malls is called Gold Rush Plaza.
—Washington Post, 24 Apr. 2021
Across town, Amy Arenberg, 48, of Corte Madera, lounged on the patio of her red clapboard rental.
—Lizzie Johnson, San Francisco Chronicle, 10 Apr. 2018
Greg: The clapboard is yellow, and the accent colors are gray/blue, rust, off-white and green.
—Joanne Kempinger Demski, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 17 May 2018
The idea of cutting off all that life, all that growth and pluck, just for a better view of clapboard, sickened us.
—Peg Rosen, The Christian Science Monitor, 17 May 2021
The home’s windows have black frames, and the Hardie plank siding is board and batten on the lower half and clapboard on the upper.
—, 20 Dec. 2022
The gray clapboard house, with two airy porches, is perched on the steep slope of an open field surrounded by woods.
—Eliza Griswold, The New Yorker, 26 Oct. 2021
The house’s clapboard siding is also yellow, and most of the trim is purple.
—George Dohrmann,, 17 Jan. 2018
In May, Teigen shared a cute snap of younger daughter Esti holding a movie-style clapboard ahead of her first day at preschool.
—Hannah Sacks, Peoplemag, 20 May 2024
Along the way, peep streets lined with white clapboard cottages with shutters in tell-tale shades of pastel.
—Kaitlyn Yarborough, Southern Living, 27 Nov. 2023
Work on the home — a two-story clad in clapboard and flagstone — began a little more than a year ago.
—Marialuisa Rincon, Houston Chronicle, 9 June 2018
The blacksmith was a lean man with a sad, rectilinear face and hair the color of clapboard.
—Elizabeth McCracken, Harpers Magazine, 5 Jan. 2021
The clapboard walls, weathered floors and high beams add to the ambiance, while the menu is a blend of traditional and modern fare.
—Catherine Garcia, theweek, 25 July 2024
The two-story clapboard house with a center gable sits in a modest neighborhood about a half-mile from the beach.
—Anita Lee, ProPublica, 24 June 2022
Painting your front door this inviting shade of blue, paired with a white clapboard house and front porch swing, defines a scenic home.
—Zoe Gowen, Southern Living, 23 Feb. 2024
The Talleys live in a white clapboard farmhouse that sits a few hundred yards from Abele’s mobile home.
—The New Yorker, 6 Mar. 2022
Beat-up screen door, concrete porch and white clapboard siding stained and chipped like bad dental work.
—Mike Sutter, San Antonio Express-News, 15 Dec. 2022
From the front, the one-story clapboard house looks dingy and dilapidated, and the lawn is cluttered with crap.
—Gene Weingarten, Washington Post, 8 Nov. 2021
The house sat at the top of a winding street in a neighborhood of mostly two-story clapboard houses.
—Washington Post, 15 May 2017
The clapboard house sits off a gravel road on the outskirts of town, partly hidden behind a fence and a heaping pile of trash.
—Washington Post, 5 Apr. 2022
This is the clapboard house where King lived -- and which was bombed several times during the civil rights struggle.
—Forrest Brown, CNN, 14 Jan. 2022
But the Riverside house has been scalped of its cupola and shorn of its front porch, and the clapboard of its front facade has been replaced with faux-stone siding.
—New York Times, 8 Jan. 2021
With time, the three-room clapboard house fell into disrepair.
—Ellen Wexler, Smithsonian Magazine, 17 Mar. 2023
From the outside, the 1 1/2-story structure has a classic cottage look, with a large front gable and white clapboard siding.
—Elle Decor Staff, ELLE Decor, 5 July 2012
The story of saltbox homes goes beyond brick and mortar, or rather—shingle and clapboard.
—Rachel Silva, ELLE Decor, 22 June 2022
The tan triple-decker’s clapboard shows at least three bullet holes — from a shooting prior to Aquil’s, a neighbor said.
—Sarah Wu,, 30 Aug. 2019
The Main House, with white clapboard siding, wood shingles, and a wide wrap-around porch, sits on 4 acres in the center of historic Manchester.
—Pamela Wright,, 4 May 2023
Using shingles, or small wood pieces installed in an overlapping rhythm, was a less costly and easier-to-maintain option than clapboard and other cladding options of the time.
—Lauren Gallow, Architectural Digest, 10 Jan. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'clapboard.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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