How to Use deciduous in a Sentence
Wood ferns (deciduous, so bare five months of the year).
—Neil Sperry,, 16 May 2017
This wood comes from deciduous trees (the kind that drop their leaves each year).
—Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics, 27 July 2021
The woods are the dense, deciduous, swampy kind, the kind in which rotting leaves mingle with the earth and the ground gives soft way beneath the boy’s feet.
—Aaron Gilbreath, Longreads, 16 May 2017
The best time to plant new deciduous fruit trees is in late winter.
—Pam Peirce,, 11 Oct. 2019
And on the other side of the path is a deciduous forest of beeches.
—Gisela Williams, Travel + Leisure, 20 June 2022
The taiga forest trailed the ice, and then the deciduous trees moved in during this age of climate change.
—Peter Brannen, The Atlantic, 22 June 2022
This week in the garden The leaves are falling from deciduous trees in the landscape.
—Calvin Finch,, 21 Nov. 2019
Find advice on when and how to prune many species of deciduous shrubs at
—Beth Botts,, 23 Jan. 2022
For ease of harvest, keep your deciduous fruit trees at a height of eight feet.
—Joshua Siskin, Orange County Register, 1 Aug. 2024
Set against the greens of the ponderosa pines, an array of deciduous trees splash color all along the route.
—Roger Naylor, The Arizona Republic, 18 Sep. 2024
Snow load on deciduous shrubs and trees may cause limbs and branches to break.
—Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp, Indianapolis Star, 23 Dec. 2017
The old-growth deciduous forests can make a person feel young the same way city skyscrapers can make one feel small.
—Matt Wyatt,, 15 Oct. 2020
When the towering canopy of white pine blew down, what was left were the seedlings and saplings of deciduous hardwood trees.
—Stephen Long, Smithsonian, 12 Oct. 2017
Winter, when deciduous plants are bare and dormant, is a fine time to trim and shape your shrubs.
—Beth Botts,, 12 Dec. 2021
Summer hubbub is over, the powder’s yet to fly, and the deciduous trees are ablaze.
—Outside Online, 14 Aug. 2019
That's what signals our deciduous trees to drop their leaves in fall.
—Dan Gill,, 9 Dec. 2017
This is a deciduous shrub with bright coral red stems in winter.
—, 9 Apr. 2018
One theory is that the kind of deciduous forests that cicadas like to drink sap from are common in the East, rather than the West.
—Paul Rogers, The Mercury News, 5 May 2024
Both of these cypresses are deciduous and drop all of their leaves in the winter.
—Dan Gill,, 31 Mar. 2018
But this is part of the problem with deciduous fruit trees; the fruit ripens during a period of a few weeks.
—Joshua Siskin, Orange County Register, 27 Jan. 2024
So does fall, when the deciduous splendor of the park unveils in washes of gold, red, and umber.
—Tracey Minkin, Southern Living, 12 July 2023
Leaves that cling to deciduous trees, or rustle in heaps at their trunks, make do with subtle shades of brown.
—Michael Barnes, Austin American-Statesman, 7 Nov. 2024
From the busy parking lot, a network of short trails wind through the park, running through a large, grassy meadow and deciduous forests to the banks of the Sandy River.
—oregonlive, 29 Aug. 2020
That was the case in late September, when a heavy snowfall stressed deciduous trees that had not yet lost their leaves and couldn’t bear the weight, said Post.
—Marc Lester, Anchorage Daily News, 29 Oct. 2021
By month’s end, strip leaves off pears, plums, and other deciduous fruit trees.
—Nan Sterman, San Diego Union-Tribune, 7 Nov. 2020
The third reason people plant in the fall is because deciduous trees drop leaves then.
—Jeff Lowenfels, Anchorage Daily News, 3 Aug. 2023
Tree 'Shan Hu Tai': This deciduous shrub, reaching 3 to 5 feet tall, can grow as a hedge and features coral pink blooms.
—Steve Bender, Southern Living, 22 May 2024
In the fall, nearby June Lake in the Eastern Sierra has deciduous trees awash in golds, oranges and reds.
—Washington Post, 25 Nov. 2019
The deciduous hollies are loaded with fruit, and with the absence of the leaves, their bright red or orange berries really shine.
—Janet B. Carson,, 3 Jan. 2025
Snowdrops set leaves and bloom before many deciduous trees leaf out.
—Andy Wilcox, Better Homes & Gardens, 13 Jan. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'deciduous.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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