How to Use designer drug in a Sentence
designer drug
noun- Ecstasy is a designer drug.
Some sort of new/designer drug not written into the rules cannot be the cause of a penalty.
—Profootballdoc,, 12 June 2018
The many short-lived relationships and casual trysts did not help and neither did the designer drugs.
—Vikram Zutshi, Quartz India, 19 July 2019
The kids, too, are well drawn and eccentric, including one who has a designer drug for every mood and occasion.
—Brian Lowry, CNN, 5 Apr. 2018
This isn’t some designer drug that racing authorities haven’t seen yet or snake venom bought on the black market.
—Dan Wolken, USA TODAY, 9 May 2021
Silmi obtained large amounts of cocaine and designer drugs as part of the operation, according to agents.
—Eric Heisig,, 26 Aug. 2019
All the while, designer drugs flood into high schools as kids draw together and break apart, their society riven and their judgment impaired, overdose an omnipresent threat.
—Theodore Kupfer, National Review, 2 Sep. 2017
Georgia law enforcement officials noted in June that other states had warned that naloxone might not work in users who'd ingested a designer drug called acrylfentanyl.
—Anna Edney, Anchorage Daily News, 20 Apr. 2018
Georgia law-enforcement officials noted in June that other states had warned that naloxone might not work in users who’d ingested a designer drug called acrylfentanyl.
—Fortune, 19 Apr. 2018
Brought in from the black-market wilderness by deep-pocketed, consumer-savvy companies, cannabis may become just another designer drug.
—New York Times, 1 Apr. 2020
The show suggests that our modern society, with its smartphone dating apps, internet pornography and designer drugs, has made teenage life more extreme and dangerous than ever before.
—New York Times, 23 June 2019
According to this line of thinking, NBA players possess the financial wherewithal and career incentives to pay for designer drugs that evade detection, particularly when those drugs are taken in small dosages.
—Michael McCann,, 29 Aug. 2019
The designer drug does not actually contain marijuana, but is made of plants sprayed with various psychoactive chemicals.
—Lindsey Tanner,, 11 Apr. 2018
Kalfas said the appearance of isotonitazene and other, similar designer drugs shows why the epidemic cannot be fought by eliminating any one drug, but rather needs to be addressed by emphasizing treatment, prevention and harm reduction.
—Terry Demio, USA TODAY, 18 May 2020
Worryingly, people who overdose on such designer drugs, known collectively as China White, have been said to be less responsive to antidotes now widely carried by first responders.
—Anna Edney, Anchorage Daily News, 20 Apr. 2018
The market often moves faster than the regulator, and a combination of sophisticated designer drugs, masking agents and microdosing probably could outsmart even the most scrutinizing test.
—Michael McCann,, 29 Aug. 2019
Manufacturers periodically change its chemical composition, complicating efforts to regulate or ban the designer drug.
—Jerzy Shedlock, Alaska Dispatch News, 3 Sep. 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'designer drug.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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