How to Use didactic in a Sentence
The challenge was pulling that off in a way that didn’t feel didactic.
—Willing Davidson, The New Yorker, 29 Aug. 2023
And use your voice in a way that doesn’t feel preachy or overly didactic.
—Emilia Petrarca, The Cut, 16 Feb. 2018
The film is organic, all of a piece and, for Garland, somewhat on the nose and didactic.
—Michael Phillips, Chicago Tribune, 19 May 2022
That said, Plan B is the opposite of preachy or didactic.
—Anne Cohen,, 28 May 2021
And so wars — or rather how not to lose them — are the general theme of his often didactic book.
—Victor Davis Hanson, New York Times, 20 Apr. 2018
But the wall text, overly didactic, has the effect of holding the subject at arm’s length.
—Laura Jacobs, WSJ, 16 Oct. 2017
At no point did that show pause the action to get up on a soapbox and be all didactic for the sake of scoring some easy points with the woke left.
—Graham Techler, The New Yorker, 28 Aug. 2021
The effect is indirect or silent, at least if the fiction is good and not didactic.
—Jay Nordlinger, National Review, 31 July 2023
No one’s being used as a device to shove some kind of message or be didactic.
—Antonia Blyth, Deadline, 14 June 2024
One of my favorite critiques of my work was that someone called it didactic.
—Liza Donnelly, Washington Post, 2 Dec. 2022
Almost none of the objects has its own didactic wall label.
—Brian T. Allen, National Review, 20 July 2019
The plot takes a didactic turn, with the writer-director hanging a question mark over the ending.
—Thomas Page, CNN, 7 Feb. 2020
Sweet Country is a somber film, but not a didactic or overly worthy one.
—Taylor Antrim, Vogue, 6 Apr. 2018
Though the script tilts to the didactic, the performances by Timothy Spall and Colm Meaney are delicious.
—Seattle Times Staff, The Seattle Times, 7 July 2017
The film adaptation captures the meat of Young’s text, focusing on the didactic aspects of its premise.
—The Washington Post, The Denver Post, 3 Mar. 2017
Colleagues on both sides of the aisle described him as principled and didactic.
—Ovetta Wiggins, Washington Post, 14 Sep. 2022
This mix of sci-fi, gender studies and dude comedics might easily have failed to gel, or come off as stagey and didactic.
—Dennis Harvey, Variety, 6 July 2023
When that becomes apparent, more than halfway through the performance, the play takes a turn for the didactic.
—New York Times, 29 May 2018
Some of the more didactic or philosophical sections, on the other hand, can sound forced.
—Maggie Doherty, The New Republic, 25 Apr. 2018
The best of her poems are brilliant and compelling; others are uneven and feel talky or didactic.
—Elizabeth Lund, The Christian Science Monitor, 11 Jan. 2022
These windows have always been didactic, using pictures to teach those who couldn't read the Bible.
—Carol Motsinger,, 29 Mar. 2018
The rapid-fire jokes don’t all land, the supporting characters can be cartoonish and the satire didactic.
—James Poniewozik, The Seattle Times, 4 May 2017
Some of the pieces are necessarily didactic, commissioned to furnish the script of the path.
—Doreen St. Félix, The New Yorker, 25 Mar. 2024
Polley transforms what could be a talky, didactic film into a drama of pace and movement.
—Taylor Antrim, Vogue, 19 Sep. 2022
In their youth, the more didactic artist was praised for his attention to detail, while Gauguin urged him to take creative risks later.
—Alexandra Bregman, Forbes, 31 Dec. 2022
Even more useful are the didactic materials in the room itself.
—Cammy Brothers, WSJ, 14 June 2019
Which is fine, except that the update is as flatly didactic as the earlier version would've been.
—Tony Adler, Chicago Reader, 11 May 2018
Ironically, the less didactic, the more powerful a film can be.
—Holly Jones, Variety, 18 Jan. 2024
Overly didactic films or TV shows—those that hammer home the ‘right’ way to think or behave - will alienate audiences.
—Solitaire Townsend, Forbes, 17 Sep. 2024
Oppenheimer and her creative team (which includes executive producer Emma Roberts) offer up these themes in a way that’s not didactic, but is excessively watchable.
—Matt Donnelly, Variety, 16 Oct. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'didactic.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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