How to Use dualism in a Sentence
Another dualism: The film is told from both Andy’s point of view and Red’s.
—Kyle Smith, National Review, 4 Apr. 2020
This tendency to view the mind as distinct from the body is called dualism.
—Iris Berent, Scientific American, 10 Dec. 2021
Gray thinks that this odd pattern stems from the old notion of mind-body dualism, the philosophy which states that the mind and body are separate things.
—Ed Yong, Discover Magazine, 2 Aug. 2011
That dualism is at the core of Lucius – different things making a new, better whole.
—Marissa R Moss, SPIN, 13 Apr. 2022
We are misled by an implicit mind-brain dualism that leads us astray.
—Neuroskeptic, Discover Magazine, 16 Sep. 2014
That's one of those inconvenient truths that purists who subscribe to the human/nature dualism don't like to hear.
—Keith Kloor, Discover Magazine, 19 Apr. 2010
The philosopher Descartes first put forth this concept known as mind-body dualism—the idea that the workings of the brain are divorced from the mechanisms of the body—during the Enlightenment.
—Donna Jackson Nakazawa, Wired, 21 Jan. 2020
This dualism evokes a robust tradition of scholarship on the aesthetics of the Web.
—Katy Waldman, The New Yorker, 23 Sep. 2021
Simplifying the number of parties and to see and to present the issue as dual, as a radical dualism, between one group and the other one.
—Foreign Affairs, 2 Nov. 2016
At the heart of this dualism was the contrast of light and substance, a theme that has fascinated not only scientists but artists and mystics for many centuries.
—Quanta Magazine, 28 Feb. 2017
The dualism of Francis Bacon and Descartes held reason to be distinct from and superior to matter.
—Mary L. Trump, The New Republic, 12 Aug. 2021
There is more to our infatuation with the brain than just dualism, however.
—Iris Berent, Scientific American, 10 Dec. 2021
The next morning, however, Shainberg briefly achieved transcendence from the questions that usually plagued him—questions to do with desire, and mind-body dualism, and why his brain wouldn’t shut up.
—Christopher Tayler, Harper's magazine, 24 June 2019
Our culture’s long-standing dualism endures in the popular notion that the mind is a software program running on the hardware of our physical forms.
—Meghan O'Gieblyn, Wired, 25 Apr. 2022
But the idea that mind and body responses are separate (an ancient philosophical idea called mind-body dualism) is long debunked.
—Eleanor Morgan,, 12 Apr. 2023
His philosophy was one of dualism, of a division between mind and matter.
—Andrea Wulf, The Atlantic, 11 Sep. 2022
The proposition that the world is a sham is not new; it’s been cropping up for thousands of years across different cultures, from China to ancient Greece, advocated by thinkers like Descartes with his mind-body dualism.
—Caleb A. Scharf, Scientific American, 10 Aug. 2020
On the one hand, an intolerant dualism—dividing the world into sinners and the faithful—would threaten democratic norms.
—Amy Erica Smith, Foreign Affairs, 10 Dec. 2019
This dualism leads us to be vulnernable to 'neuro'-rhetoric: ways of talking that make use of neuroscience terminology even when this isn't necessary.
—Neuroskeptic, Discover Magazine, 11 Apr. 2016
Mind-body dualism is one of philosophy's oldest questions, boosted this time by science.
—Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics, 27 Oct. 2020
No psionic fields, no morphic resonances, no élan vital, no dualism.
—New York Times, 23 Dec. 2020
The belief that online and offline spaces are separate realms has even earned its own derogatory name, digital dualism.
—Ian Bogost, The Atlantic, 24 Feb. 2020
The idea of a scientific lampshade on mind-body dualism certainly isn’t new, but McFadden’s research, published in the journal Neuroscience of Consciousness, is the latest to try to marry the fields.
—Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics, 27 Oct. 2020
In the 1640s, French philosopher René Descartes introduced what came to be known as Cartesian dualism, or the idea that although materially connected, the mind and body are separate entities.
—Outside Online, 7 Sep. 2021
Schaefer had to confront an emotional dualism Tuesday night.
—Nick Moyle, San Antonio Express-News, 31 Mar. 2021
Prior to the emergence of quantum mechanics, fundamental physics was marked by a peculiar dualism.
—Quanta Magazine, 28 Feb. 2017
For centuries scientists were puzzled by an apparent dualism in nature, between matter and light.
—Cody Cottier, Discover Magazine, 12 May 2021
Slow is not the opposite of fast—there is no dualism—but a different approach in which designers, buyers, retailers, and consumers are more aware of the impacts of products on workers, communities, and ecosystems.
—Emily Farra, Vogue, 16 Jan. 2019
In answering the question, Baggini explored the history of mind-body dualism: the idea, inherited from Plato and Descartes and Mill and many others, that the human body can be meaningfully distinguished from the human mind.
—Megan Garber, The Atlantic, 27 Dec. 2020
Death stalks Enzo and this movie, which energetically gathers momentum even as Mann busily juggles the story’s numerous parts and warring dualisms.
—Manohla Dargis, New York Times, 24 Dec. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'dualism.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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