How to Use hackathon in a Sentence
The hackathon took place over the course of four days, not five.
—Lizzy Lawrence, STAT, 13 Nov. 2023
His church partnered with Milky Way Tech Hub to sponsor the hackathon.
—La Risa R. Lynch, Journal Sentinel, 12 Oct. 2024
Designers then worked on the projects part-time for six months,instead of the two or three days common in hackathons.
—Bynicholas Gordon, Fortune, 30 Oct. 2023
Netflix did a 48-hour hackathon, for example; Ford did a two-week one.
—IEEE Spectrum, 11 Dec. 2018
In recent months, many people, most of them young, have flocked to the Bay Area’s AI scene to be closer to the action of hackathons, meetups, fireside chats and happy hours.
—Nitasha Tiku, Washington Post, 15 Mar. 2023
The impact of hackathons in these contexts is multifaceted.
—Mostofa Shakib, Forbes, 4 Nov. 2024
The tool, first created in a company-wide hackathon, is available just to Shopify employees for now.
—Gabriela Riccardi, Quartz, 12 July 2023
The original hackathon took place in 1999 in Berkeley, Calif., and since then the concept has been repeated around the world with some extremely positive results.
—Hilary Tetenbaum, USA TODAY, 8 Aug. 2023
Governments and businesses should work together to host such hackathons to identify the right talent with the right skill sets for their vacancies.
—Somdip Dey, Forbes, 26 Sep. 2024
Cisco, which the report notes doesn't have an RTO mandate, tries to lure people to the office with things like hackathons, career coaching, and team gatherings, for example.
—Scharon Harding, Ars Technica, 6 Aug. 2024
After troubleshooting in the days after the hackathon, the two successfully made the Zeugmatron create its first image.
—Lizzy Lawrence, STAT, 13 Nov. 2023
Holding a virtual hackathon via Instagram, Twitter or TikTok will inspire a brand’s customers and fans to be part of its future.
—Expert Panel®, Forbes, 23 Feb. 2023
Intel runs an annual hackathon to get its team members to think harder about security and how hackers think.
—Expert Panel®, Forbes, 11 Sep. 2024
These hackathons could give employees a feeling of agency in helping to set the direction of their teams, departments and even the organization as a whole.
—Expert Panel®, Forbes, 16 Oct. 2024
The mission of the hackathon: to write a program that can scan millions of lines of open-source code, identify security flaws and fix them, all without human intervention.
—Joseph Menn, Washington Post, 27 July 2024
Adeleke emphasized that future hackathons should involve more researchers and health care workers from other countries.
—Lizzy Lawrence, STAT, 13 Nov. 2023
For example, the engineering recruiting team hosts hackathons while the sales recruiting team hosts events at baseball games.
—Paige McGlauflin, Fortune, 11 Mar. 2024
What better way to protect critical infrastructure than with a good, old-fashioned hackathon?
—Sage Lazzaro, Fortune, 15 Aug. 2023
Their efforts fostered a culture of innovation and teamwork on campus by sparking the university’s first hackathon in six years.
—Kody Boye, USA TODAY, 11 June 2024
In total, the inaugural e-voting hackathon turned up at least 18 new vulnerabilities to e-voting and e-poll book systems.
—IEEE Spectrum, 3 Aug. 2017
Over the years, the business accommodated everything from birthday parties to hackathons and has even been used as a cultural space for people to learn about Korean culture.
—Emanuel Hahn, Condé Nast Traveler, 8 Dec. 2023
Hundreds of bright young technologists have landed in California this weekend for a two-day hackathon — a quintessential start-up contest in which teams of coders race to build software.
—Elizabeth Dwoskin, Washington Post, 17 Feb. 2024
Such cross-pollination of ideas among diverse hackathon participants -- who may not speak the same tongue but who do understand the same code -- unleashes new creative energies.
—Hilary Tetenbaum, USA TODAY, 8 Aug. 2023
Chowdhury’s hackathon showed the power of transparency and letting diverse voices into the conversation.
—Lorena O'Neil, Rolling Stone, 12 Aug. 2023
Engineers can build their network and get inspired during dedicated meetups, hackathons, sessions and lightning talks.
—Adi Polak, Forbes, 8 Mar. 2023
The Finer Details In order to avoid possible issues during a merger, hold a merger hackathon to identify and solve possible issues with teams comprised of people from both companies.
—Expert Panel®, Forbes, 27 Sep. 2024
In the collaborative spirit of hackathons, individuals learn by doing, a principle that stands at the heart of educational philosophies that champion active learning.
—Sandy Carter, Forbes, 27 Feb. 2024
Recruiting or promoting talent, increasing budgets, and sponsoring hackathons are important to injecting new ideas into a business.
—Joe McKendrick, Forbes, 17 Feb. 2024
Encouraging employees to engage in peer-to-peer learning, participate in hackathons or attend industry conferences can foster an environment of continuous improvement and innovation.
—Somdip Dey, Forbes, 28 Mar. 2024
Many of these interventions bubbled into the public sector through community initiatives, hackathons, and digital deliberation on the vTaiwan digital democracy platform, on which almost half the country’s population participates.
—Jaron Lanier, Foreign Affairs, 20 Mar. 2020
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'hackathon.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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