How to Use hatchery in a Sentence
The seeds are put in a hatchery where the kelp can grow.
—Alexis Benveniste, CNN, 3 May 2021
Learn more about the hatcheries at
—Tanya Wildt, Detroit Free Press, 20 Sep. 2017
The hatchery closed in 2008 due to heavy rain and fire damage.
—Roberto Reyes, Los Angeles Times, 8 Dec. 2023
Warm weather months are the top time for birds to raid the hatchery ponds.
—Gregory B. Hladky,, 21 May 2018
Powell phoned the hatchery and asked his staff to call around.
—Author: Richard Read, Anchorage Daily News, 26 July 2021
The hatchery, 30 feet long, is built in the shape of a giant green sea turtle.
—New York Times, 7 July 2018
The trout pond is back, too, to provide a chance to catch dinner fresh from the hatchery.
—Paul A. Smith, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 2 Mar. 2018
In 1994, the Nez Perce Tribe began restoring the fishery with the aid of hatcheries.
—Dac Collins, Outdoor Life, 25 Oct. 2023
With a turn of a wheel, the hatchery’s flowing water was cut off.
—Alexis Stevens, ajc, 6 June 2018
Some of those wild springers are being passed along to the hatchery for in-basin broodstock.
—Bill Monroe, oregonlive, 30 July 2022
The wounded half-cylinder of the hatchery gaped open high above the pampas grass.
—Aaron Gilbreath, Longreads, 10 Apr. 2018
Plus, the state hatchery system doesn’t raise all the species currently found in the wild.
—Sarah Matusek, The Christian Science Monitor, 17 Aug. 2021
Pretty soon the back seat was a bird hatchery, and even dad couldn’t suppress a smile.
—Mike Kerrigan, WSJ, 28 June 2018
The hatchery is located in Cornville, two hours north of Phoenix.
—Jodicee Arianna, The Arizona Republic, 1 July 2022
From there, the feds dole out the eggs to multiple Game and Fish hatcheries in Arizona.
—Joshua Bowling, azcentral, 9 May 2018
The Matunuck hatchery will have two main floors and a third-floor mezzanine.
—Brian Amaral,, 11 Apr. 2023
In the 1800s, the site held a farm and what’s believed to have been the nation’s first freshwater fish hatchery.
—Grant Segall, cleveland, 13 Oct. 2019
The limits remain the same, but now one of the salmon in the daily bag can be a chinook, hatchery or wild.
—oregonlive, 29 Sep. 2021
And those draw baby fowl from just about half a dozen large hatcheries across the country.
—Beth Mole, Ars Technica, 20 Oct. 2017
Behind the hatchery is a drawing of a Chippewa Chief carved in 1937.
—Amelia Benavides-Colón, Detroit Free Press, 13 May 2024
This hatchery stocked 159 inland and Great Lakes sites.
—Tanya Wildt, Detroit Free Press, 6 Aug. 2024
First, the team must establish if the fish can even survive in their hatchery.
—Joe Cermele, Outdoor Life, 16 Aug. 2023
The tribe then turned its attention to helping the state increase the number of salmon caught for the hatchery.
—Chris Aadland, oregonlive, 5 Feb. 2022
One part of the discovery came last June, when researchers spotted the rare hatchery for the first time.
—Christian Thorsberg, Smithsonian Magazine, 31 Jan. 2024
Chinook hatchery stocks are among the most important for the whales.
—Gene Johnson, Star Tribune, 3 Mar. 2021
All state hatcheries ran on skeleton crews throughout March and most of April.
—Matt Williams, Dallas News, 9 May 2020
Valencia and his allies built a hatchery in the town of Jaque shaded by wood and wire.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 24 Sep. 2019
In 2013, Thurston Energy applied to drill two test wells mere feet from the fish hatchery.
—Stephanie Mencimer, WIRED, 17 Sep. 2022
Established in 1936, the Lac du Flambeau hatchery is the largest of the six Ojibwe fisheries in northern Wisconsin.
—Frank Vaisvilas, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 11 Dec. 2024
Many also die in transport from the hatchery to the farm, in which their fragile bodies are packed tightly into crates and don’t receive food or water for 24 to 72 hours.
—Kenny Torrella, Vox, 7 Dec. 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'hatchery.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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