How to Use loose cannon in a Sentence
loose cannon
At the same time, Musk can be a loose cannon on these calls.
—Chris Isidore, CNN, 20 Apr. 2022
Mitchell was a loose cannon aimed at men with plenty to hide.
—Mark Peikert, Town & Country, 24 Apr. 2022
That Draymond was the loose cannon on the Golden State Warriors.
—Scott Ostler, San Francisco Chronicle, 25 Sep. 2022
This is federal judge, John Adams, and he is known for being a bit of a loose cannon.
—Laura Johnston, cleveland, 10 Mar. 2022
The old loose cannon, as he's known in political circles, was back.
—Lorraine Ali,, 5 May 2018
Banier was a loose cannon, liable to bring up the awkward subject in the presence of Meyers’s wife, his children, and his in‑laws.
—Tom Sancton, Time, 5 Sep. 2017
Hernandez, who has long been a buff of Civil War history, is not a loose cannon.
—Dom Amore,, 8 June 2018
Is your husband a loose cannon, a drunk, a misogynist, a verbal abuser?
—Dear Abby,, 14 July 2019
Whereas Locken was once a lovable loose cannon on the first three seasons, the fourth season turned her into a villain.
—Sarah Blaskovich, Dallas News, 26 Feb. 2020
Think … maybe not Vontaze Burfict but someone who’s a loose cannon taking a kid under his wing.
—Usa Today Sports, USA TODAY, 22 Mar. 2020
Linebacker Jack Campbell also was a loose cannon, in the middle of several fights.
—Pat Leonard, New York Daily News, 5 Aug. 2024
Giuliani, however, is a loose cannon, and is already struggling to keep his story straight.
—Abigail Tracy, The Hive, 3 May 2018
Martin Riggs, the loose cannon with revenge on his mind, and Roger Murtaugh, the older, wiser man of the force, counting the days until retirement.
—Kayt Sukel, Discover Magazine, 27 July 2016
Last but certainly not least, Twitter is about to become a debt-laden business belonging to the world’s richest loose cannon.
—Laura Forman, WSJ, 27 Apr. 2022
Isaac is a crude loose cannon who represents the biggest threat of actual danger among the ensemble.
—Rebecca Sun, The Hollywood Reporter, 18 Apr. 2023
Police everywhere should be angry that a loose cannon has been rehired.
—Jonathan Edwards, Washington Post, 25 Apr. 2023
The new season will kick off with a two-hour look at the life of Brian Pillman, a high-flying wrestler on the rise and 'loose cannon' who allowed his in ring persona to seep into his family life.
—Nasha Smith, Forbes, 6 May 2021
Keaton plays a no-nonsense operative named Stan Hurley, who takes loose cannon Rapp under his wing.
—Sandra Gonzalez, CNN, 15 Sep. 2017
What’s actually going to happen is impossible to say, especially with the loose cannon in the White House in the mix.
—Kevin D. Williamson, National Review, 15 Oct. 2017
Francis has always been anticipated to be a bit of a loose cannon on the stand because of his intimate knowledge of events, axe to grind with the Navy and braggadocios air.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 2 May 2022
This new silent-but-deadly Teddy is yet another loose cannon on a show about an entire cast of characters going rogue.
—William Lee,, 4 June 2018
On top of that, Trump has to placate elite Republicans who see him as a loose cannon who can’t be relied upon to deliver a pro-business agenda.
—Reihan Salam, Slate Magazine, 15 Feb. 2017
In a similar way to Nobody, Jason Statham is the loose cannon with a mysterious past who joins an armored truck company.
—Katherine J Igoe, Marie Claire, 30 Sep. 2021
Already identified as the loose cannon, Fred starts picking fights with Charlie about his devout faith, then learns it’s unwise to blaspheme to a Christian who makes your beans every night.
—John Defore, The Hollywood Reporter, 15 Sep. 2022
In other words, when women act aggressively, they are seen as loose cannons, while men look passionate and continue to get work.
—Jessica Wakeman, Glamour, 4 Sep. 2018
Daryl, who has been aimless for several seasons and who, lately, has become an increasingly loose cannon, could be a marked man.
—Laura Bradley, HWD, 4 Dec. 2017
After getting a whole season of ratings fireworks from its resident loose cannon, the network finally drew the line.
—Karla Peterson,, 29 May 2018
Marty is well aware of how the people around him have changed; Wendy is basically ruthless at this point, while Jonah is kind of a loose cannon financial criminal.
—Evan Romano, Men's Health, 23 Jan. 2022
Lily Allen is a delightful loose cannon, minded by Jonathan Ross but still managing to insult Radiohead.
—Bethy Squires, Vulture, 1 Jan. 2022
After eight years with a loose cannon as president, Iranians began to support reformists who promised a return to normalcy.
—Mohammad Ayatollahi Tabaar, Foreign Affairs, 5 Aug. 2021
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'loose cannon.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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