How to Use masochistic in a Sentence
We were doomed from the start, and our mutual masochistic ways should have been the first clue.
—Heather Weingold, Los Angeles Times, 26 May 2023
Not in a masochistic way, but pain holds hands with pleasure.
—Vulture, 24 May 2022
Grad school actually seems like the move for someone with a fat stack of cash and a masochistic love of work.
—Olivia Crandall, Vulture, 13 Jan. 2021
Who will summon the skill, the nerve, and, let’s be honest, the masochistic madness to take May’s place is far from decided.
—Anthony Lane, The New Yorker, 4 June 2019
Yet the more masochistic elements of the series have been blunted.
—Will Bedingfield, Wired, 24 Feb. 2022
Kelce will have to be masochistic to find flaws with his performance Sunday night.
—Josh Peter, USA TODAY, 25 Jan. 2021
Juarez spent decades at the top of the mountain-bike world, carving out a niche for himself in nearly masochistic endurance events.
—Graham Averill, Outside Online, 11 Mar. 2020
But right now, Facebook is like some weird barman who is slightly masochistic and enjoys the bar fight.
—Billy Perrigo, Time, 8 Oct. 2019
To me, Tommy’s response to trauma is both masochistic and sadistic.
—Rob Tannenbaum, New York Times, 23 Mar. 2024
Those with a masochistic streak can also make use of the huge state-of-the-art fitness center, the Movement Lab, should muscles not yet be crying for some respite.
—Duncan Madden, Forbes, 6 Feb. 2023
But my attraction to masochistic skincare isn't just about guilt.
—Leigh Cowart, Wired, 30 Sep. 2021
The last scene is thus a strange one: powerful, painful and masochistic by implication.
—Jesse Green, New York Times, 2 Oct. 2022
But only Brandon was daring/masochistic enough to do it for real.
—Peter Debruge, Variety, 25 Jan. 2022
Several sections of the book are given over to masochistic exchanges with white men in airports.
—Katy Waldman, The New Yorker, 29 Sep. 2020
What’s giving rise to this seemingly masochistic work trend?
—Tessa West, Fortune, 21 June 2022
So there is this sort of masochistic attraction where physical torture is also what gets you high at the same time.
—Taylor Antrim, Vogue, 15 Dec. 2021
At what point does a quixotic effort become masochistic?
—Elise Viebeck,, 26 Sep. 2017
The masochistic double bind is a malign version of the narrator’s problem.
—Anne Enright, The New York Review of Books, 6 July 2020
But for a lucky masochistic few, a lifelong passion ignited.
—Paul Stephen,, 12 Aug. 2020
Lorenz’s madcap, slightly masochistic journey in a 120-year-old EV serves as a reminder that electric cars are nothing new.
—Tim Pitt, Robb Report, 21 Feb. 2023
The question remains whether suffering with Mare by proxy is noble or masochistic.
—Alan Sepinwall, Rolling Stone, 13 Apr. 2021
And while swimming, even distance swimming, is hardly monotonous, the longer races have a masochistic side to them.
—Andrew Trunsky, New York Times, 8 June 2024
Everyone has different ideas about what’s funny, and for me the gold standard is dark Jewish humor, the more masochistic and taboo the better.
—Sam Sacks, WSJ, 18 Sep. 2020
For his opponents, there was a rubbernecking quality to the exercise, a kind of masochistic need to read the tweets in order to feel the outrage.
—, 17 Apr. 2021
Bint Aamir was no masochist, but there’s a masochistic element to Zuhour’s ruminations.
—Ron Charles, Washington Post, 24 May 2022
In some cases the children were as young as toddlers and some of the files depicted sadistic or masochistic abuse, authorities said.
—Tom Steele, Dallas News, 7 Feb. 2020
This process can sometimes sound like a masochistic cleansing ritual.
—New York Times, 18 Jan. 2022
Meanwhile, the audience squirms in complicity, taking both masochistic and sadistic pleasure at a game of cat and mouse in which the roles keep shifting.
—A. O. Scott, New York Times, 19 Oct. 2017
The trashy, hardcore-lite vibe of e-juice calls to mind some small-batch hot sauce brands, which feature imagery of ghosts, skulls, and devils to match the searing, masochistic heat of whatever pepper’s inside.
—Kate Mooney, Vox, 26 July 2019
But Hall isn’t just creating his own masochistic fitness challenges.
—Men's Health, 28 Apr. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'masochistic.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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