How to Use memorialize in a Sentence
The face of the past comes to look like the faces of those who memorialize it.
— Brooke Jarvis, The New Yorker, 16 Sep. 2019 -
The catch was so clutch, coach Mitch Canham said, the Beavers would have find a way to memorialize it.
— Joe Freeman, oregonlive, 16 Apr. 2022 -
In 1826, artist Charles de Steuben set forth to memorialize Napoleon’s life in a painting.
— María Luisa Paúl, Washington Post, 20 Nov. 2023 -
In the wake of her death, much of the Glee cast has gathered to memorialize her, both online and in real life.
— Maureen Lee Lenker,, 7 Apr. 2021 -
Some of the deer’s fans are attempting to memorialize it with a plaque.
— Richard A. Marini,, 15 Sep. 2020 -
And shelves of glass jars, filled with soil from across the South, an effort to memorialize those lost to lynching.
— Susan Glaser, cleveland, 1 Apr. 2021 -
Murphy's name was memorialized on the Walls of the Missing at the cemetery.
— Kerry Breen, CBS News, 25 June 2024 -
Consider ways to memorialize this loss in a way that feels right for both of you.
— Amy Dickinson, Detroit Free Press, 27 Jan. 2021 -
But that’s the kind of thing the world will have to take in now largely from bits posted online or memorialized on tape and film.
— Janell Ross, Time, 18 July 2023 -
The database acts as a way to memorialize the movement — even the quick swipes of graffiti on the sides of closed buildings.
—, 19 May 2021 -
Now his friend’s name is among those memorialized at the World Trade Center.
— Laylan Connelly, Orange County Register, 11 Sep. 2024 -
His celebration was memorialized with a statue, with his leg in the air and fist thrust in the sky.
— Sam Farmer, Los Angeles Times, 15 June 2023 -
Faced with the scale of this catastrophe, the world struggled to memorialize the Holocaust.
— Natalia Romik / Madę By History, TIME, 27 Jan. 2025 -
The 9/11 victims are memorialized at the site of the former World Trade Center towers.
— USA TODAY, 8 Sep. 2023 -
Jodi Hackl said the school wants to memorialize Philip.
— Alec Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6 Oct. 2020 -
Even the fountain that memorialized the bombing was crushed in the 2001 attacks.
— Arkansas Online, 27 Feb. 2023 -
The phase where nurses stamp tiny hands and feet into clay to memorialize unmet hopes and dreams.
— Rachel Fleishman, STAT, 18 Apr. 2023 -
That's a lot of loss—and a lot of powerful legacies to memorialize.
— Emma Hinchliffe, Fortune, 3 Jan. 2022 -
If the site is landmarked, it can be used to memorialize the rich Black history of New York City.
— Ramisa Rob, NBC News, 19 July 2022 -
No one will deny the need to acknowledge and memorialize the tragic death of George Floyd.
— Star Tribune, 17 Mar. 2021 -
The baller wanted to memorialize his former Texas Tech football coach, the late Mike Leach.
— Lynette Rice, Deadline, 15 Oct. 2024 -
The city is determined to put a name to every one of those who died and memorialize them with a monument.
— Liz Sly, Washington Post, 8 Aug. 2022 -
They were memorialized with a bronze plaque in the old Enquirer Building on Vine Street.
— Cincinnati Enquirer, The Enquirer, 29 May 2023 -
But what if a local folk song memorializes how the victims died?
— Kristin Romey, National Geographic, 20 Aug. 2019 -
But how the site will be memorialized is still up for discussion.
— Bobby Caina Calvan, USA TODAY, 27 Dec. 2019 -
Who better to memorialize him than the actress who worked alongside him for more than 40 years?
— Scottie Andrew, CNN, 18 Mar. 2022 -
Even the fountain that memorialized the bombing was crushed on Sept. 11.
— Jennifer Peltz,, 26 Feb. 2023 -
The Times has famously fought with the White House, as memorialized in a Politico story.
— Erik Wemple, Washington Post, 8 July 2024 -
Like the flick of a light switch, upon his passing, Carter has been overwhelmingly memorialized for his accomplishments, inside the White House, and beyond.
— Harvey Levine, San Diego Union-Tribune, 14 Jan. 2025 -
The black-and-white clip featured the late John Belushi, dressed as an old man, walking around a graveyard memorializing his co-stars with goofy, sardonic epitaphs; Belushi, of course, preceded most of them in death, giving the comedy a somber tone.
— Esther Zuckerman, The Atlantic, 17 Feb. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'memorialize.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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