How to Use mullah in a Sentence
None of that seemed to give the mullahs in power much of a boost.
—Ishaan Tharoor, Washington Post, 3 Mar. 2024
Once the mullah fell to the ground, another person shot him four times in the chest.
—WSJ, 26 Sep. 2021
The mullahs still rule in Iran, and Syria lies in tatters.
—Yascha Mounk, Slate Magazine, 17 Feb. 2017
To really save some mullah, do what the kids do these days, and have a pregame at home.
—Taylor M. Riley, The Courier-Journal, 4 Apr. 2018
The ones then isolated will be the mullahs in Iran and their proxies.
—TIME, 20 Feb. 2024
The mullah crouched beside him and read a prayer, asking for God to show mercy on his soul.
—New York Times, 27 Aug. 2021
That’s a welcome message aimed at deterring the mullahs in Tehran and their agents.
—The Editorial Board, WSJ, 24 Oct. 2023
The mullah, his feet in shiny leather loafers, hopped out of the vehicle, climbed onto the cargo bed and affixed the flag to the antenna.
—Los Angeles Times, 20 Aug. 2021
Obama gave millions of dollars in cash on pallets to Iran to sweeten the mullahs.
—John Kass,, 14 Nov. 2019
The mullahs have thrown billions of dollars at the development of nuclear weapons in good times and bad.
—Reuel Marc Gerecht, WSJ, 12 Dec. 2018
The mullahs in Tehran will be overjoyed and see signs of another U.S. President’s weakness.
—The Editorial Board, WSJ, 19 Dec. 2018
The soldiers, who lived nearby and knew the villagers well, separated the mullahs and teachers and those with education from the group.
—Washington Post, 7 June 2018
Iran’s politicians, military men and mullahs then came together to take down the premier.
—Reuel Marc Gerecht and, WSJ, 11 June 2018
Some children attend a madrasa, or Islamic school, run by a mullah at a tiny mosque in a nearby settlement.
—New York Times, 27 Dec. 2020
Hopefully, under those circumstances, the idea of buying peace at home by making peace abroad would appeal to the mullahs.
—Walter Russell Mead, WSJ, 8 June 2018
And if war comes, the mullahs are ready to trap America in another Middle Eastern quagmire.
—Reuel Marc Gerecht and Ray Takeyh, WSJ, 16 June 2019
Ambassadors and chief justices can also donate with ease, as may rabbis (though not swamis or mullahs).
—Mark Vanhoenacker, WIRED, 28 Feb. 2011
Qasem Soleimani while minimizing the actions of the courageous Iranians who oppose the mullahs.
—Brian T. Allen, National Review, 15 Jan. 2020
Over the past 18 months, thousands have taken to the street to demand reforms; the mullahs have responded with lethal force, torture, and public executions.
—Stephen Witt, Popular Mechanics, 2 Mar. 2023
Through these proxies, the mullahs became the kingmakers of Iraq’s factious politics.
—Reuel Marc Gerecht, Foreign Affairs, 7 Sep. 2023
Millions of us fled the country in the aftermath in order to fight back and pursue the democratic future that so many people envisioned before the mullahs took over.
—Nasser Sharif, Orange County Register, 10 Feb. 2017
But temptations of power proved too much as the mullahs and their praetorian guard indulged their taste for luxury.
—Reuel Marc Gerecht and, WSJ, 11 Oct. 2017
Tehran’s mullahs cannot survive a sustained oil price of $60 a barrel with practically no export revenue.
—Nawaf E. Obaid, WSJ, 1 July 2018
But giving similar treatment to a Trump administration that has gone out of its way to court the Sunni Arabs while trash talking the mullahs should be inexcusable.
—, 27 June 2017
When news of the concert broke, Afghanistan's mullahs denounced the performance and the authorities canceled it at its original location.
—Claire Zillman, Fortune, 21 Aug. 2017
Iran and the world is at least spared that, but Khamenei and the other mullahs remain, oppressing women, crushing dissent and speech, fomenting terror across the Mideast, and most dangerous of all, still pursuing nukes.
—New York Daily News Editorial Board, New York Daily News, 21 May 2024
Iran’s second national uprising against the mullahs in nine years is fueled this time by rural Iranians, once the regime’s strongest pillar.
—Andrew Malcolm, San Francisco Chronicle, 11 Jan. 2018
But, in the past year, the Trump Administration and the mullahs in Tehran have goaded each other into a series of pointless escalations, treating war as a game of chicken that is now hurtling out of control.
—Ben Taub, The New Yorker, 27 June 2019
Iran has no interest in easing Yemeni suffering; the mullahs don’t even care for ordinary Iranians.
—Mike Pompeo, WSJ, 27 Nov. 2018
The mullahs come out of this arrangement, however, largely empty-handed.
—Christian Schneider, National Review, 21 Dec. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'mullah.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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