How to Use nonflammable in a Sentence
Use nonflammable fencing within five feet of the house.
—Jeastman, oregonlive, 11 Sep. 2023
Just make sure the space heater is placed on a hard, level, and nonflammable surface, away from children and pets.
—Zachary Smith, cleveland, 19 Dec. 2022
Each needs a clear space out of the wind and to be situated on a nonflammable surface away from low-hanging trees.
—Washington Post, 17 July 2020
The daylong effort is hazardous because of the high pressure used to test the system with helium, a nonflammable gas.
—Ronald D. White, Los Angeles Times, 26 Feb. 2024
The fire of that era also destroyed most of the Near North Side of the city, meaning that anything new had to be built in stone or other nonflammable materials.
—Andrea Sachs, Washington Post, 26 May 2022
Novec is nonflammable and does not harm atmospheric ozone, and 3M says the gas has low toxicity.
—Phil McKenna, NBC News, 21 Sep. 2022
Midley set out to create a gas that was stable, nonflammable, noncorrosive and safe to breathe.
—Kat Eschner, Smithsonian, 18 May 2017
And remember that even a nonflammable, metal fence can be a problem if the areas around it capture leaves, pine needles, and other flammable debris.
—Time, 22 Aug. 2023
The gantry, the high perch where play-by-play commentators call matches, had to be removed, clad in nonflammable material, and reinstalled.
—Rory Smith, New York Times, 11 Aug. 2023
Most modern airships use helium, a nonflammable but expensive and rare gas.
—April White, Smithsonian, 22 Nov. 2019
Always place them on a sturdy, nonflammable saucer or candleholder.
—Emily Sweeney,, 13 Feb. 2023
Immediately take the pages to a secure, nonflammable area like a concrete patio, your driveway, fireplace, or barbecue and set them on fire.
—Habib Sadeghi,, 21 June 2018
The catastrophe led the city to enact new codes: Decorations would now be nonflammable, and after the tragic example set by the club’s cramped revolving door, exit doors would now open outward.
—, 3 Mar. 2022
Surface fires are the easiest to put out, with firefighters creating moats or breaks to keep the fire from spreading and then smothering it in a nonflammable material, most often clay.
—Kristin Ohlson, Discover Magazine, 3 Jan. 2011
Its battery is nonflammable, bendable, inexpensive to make and, in theory, much longer lasting.
—Tamara Chuang, The Denver Post, 18 June 2017
One of the electrodes is mostly made of manganese oxide, but Chatter wouldn’t say anything about the composition of the other — just that there’s no lithium or cobalt involved, and that all the materials are nonflammable, non-toxic and inexpensive.
—Hiawatha Bray,, 2 Nov. 2022
And there is angry suspicion that lives could have been saved had relatively small sums of additional money been spent on Grenfell for nonflammable material.
—Stephen Castle, New York Times, 24 June 2017
Their thin, battery-like device consists of a nonflammable, copper-containing watery electrolyte sandwiched between two electrodes.
—IEEE Spectrum, 6 Feb. 2023
The lease permitted the storage of nonflammable and non-explosive materials, as well as operational vehicles, Newsom said.
—Phil Helsel, NBC News, 14 Nov. 2023
Use nonflammable landscaping or high-moisture annuals and perennials.
—Sven Berg, idahostatesman, 24 June 2017
Fuel tanks were insulated with nonflammable material to prevent explosions, and backup systems were in place for various hydraulic and mechanical components.
—Washington Post, 21 Aug. 2021
His company finishes gas fireplace installations with lava rock or other loose, nonflammable material underneath the log, mainly for aesthetic reasons.
—Paul Hodgins, Orange County Register, 20 Jan. 2017
The synthetic fluorine compounds were odorless, colorless, nontoxic, nonflammable and incredibly durable.
—Phil McKenna, NBC News, 21 Sep. 2022
Attempts to install nonflammable barriers at vertical and horizontal intervals were ineffective in practice.
—David D. Kirkpatrick, Danny Hakim and James Glanz, New York Times, 24 June 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'nonflammable.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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