How to Use paper in a Sentence
- Be sure to print the letter on good paper.
- The border guards asked to see my papers.
- He scribbled the number on a scrap of paper.
- We'll need pens, glue, and some paper.
- The teacher was busy grading papers.
- She did well on her history paper.
- They published a landmark paper in 1995.
Years passed and not a single fresh sheet of paper got added to the file.
—Ryan Fonseca, Los Angeles Times, 20 Mar. 2024
Press the rest of the dough into a round disk on a sheet of parchment paper.
—Genevieve Ko, San Diego Union-Tribune, 15 Nov. 2023
The mom at home had rules and couldn’t cook and stayed up half the night grading papers.
—Carolyn Hax, Washington Post, 28 Sep. 2023
Some — or maybe even all — of the black color should now be in the paper, and your sink should look a lot better.
—Jeanne Huber, Washington Post, 20 Oct. 2023
Then the guide took out a large sheet of white paper and stepped off the trail, shook a bush and dozens of ticks fell out onto the paper.
—Bryant Stamford, The Courier-Journal, 20 July 2023
Nestled in neat, pleated paper cups, they were often served warm near the end of the meal.
—Jenn Harris, Los Angeles Times, 26 June 2023
The best-qualified candidates on paper may not be the best fit for the job.
—Rolling Stone Culture Council, Rolling Stone, 1 June 2023
The band teased the album last month with a cryptic ad in the local paper Hackney Gazette.
—Jazz Monroe, Pitchfork, 6 Sep. 2023
To speed up the ripening, place mangoes in a covered bowl or paper bag.
—cleveland, 1 Aug. 2023
Cut pieces of scrapbook paper into squares, and fold them in half.
—Southern Living Editors, Southern Living, 4 Sep. 2023
Editing one’s own papers is part of the writing process and therefore part of his job.
—Kwame Anthony Appiah, New York Times, 9 June 2023
Tuesday night, on paper at least, might be their best shot.
—Mark Zeigler, San Diego Union-Tribune, 30 Jan. 2024
First, paint one side of the fish with sumi ink, place washi paper atop, then use your fingers to press over the surface to make a print.
—Kaila Yu, Los Angeles Times, 31 July 2023
In the new paper, the team looked at their beaks and stylets–internal shells located near their gills.
—Laura Baisas, Popular Science, 11 Apr. 2024
Roll out on a floured piece of parchment paper to a little thinner than 1/8 inch.
—Julia O'Malley, Anchorage Daily News, 15 Sep. 2023
Pieces of junk — jars, paper scraps, ticket stubs, a nail — are labeled and neatly displayed on the walls.
—Michael S. Rosenwald, Washington Post, 7 June 2023
From pen to paper to film, five standout original songs are now on their way to the Oscars.
—Hannah Dailey, Billboard, 8 Mar. 2024
Our Downwind Drop Point breezed through 20 inches of sisal rope and kept shaving paper through 16 of those cuts.
—Matthew Every, Field & Stream, 4 Jan. 2024
The book text appears on a white background that’s meant to mimic real paper.
—Tim Chan, Variety, 20 Mar. 2024
Kate carried their towels and snacks in a paper grocery bag.
—Emma Cline, The New Yorker, 23 Oct. 2023
Cover your presents in kraft paper, and tie them up with a ribbon of your favorite red and green tartan.
—Southern Living Editors, Southern Living, 1 Nov. 2023
That’s equivalent to about four sheets of A4 or US letter-size paper.
—Issy Ronald, CNN, 13 Apr. 2024
The authors presented the paper to a research group there during an academic seminar last week.
—Lawrence Mower, Miami Herald, 12 Apr. 2024
The Death of Elvis Bathroom is papered with stories of the King’s demise.
—Los Angeles Times, 10 Aug. 2019
Don’t paper the halls with the news just yet, but a return to Scranton may be in the cards for NBC.
—Dan Snierson,, 18 Dec. 2017
The walls are papered with prayers and more letters, more faces and names of dead women and girls, and so are the glass doors.
—Rosa Lyster, The New Yorker, 12 Sep. 2019
Two large walls in the gallery are papered with photo murals of the artist's studio in Berlin.
—Leah Ollman,, 18 Aug. 2017
Don’t try to paper it over like a moldy wall in a Starbucks bathroom.
—Brian Moylan, Vulture, 24 Mar. 2021
So, take a pen to paper and write down all your fears and anxieties.
—Seventeen Editors, Seventeen, 7 July 2021
This meeting was not papered in the US press (big surprise...).
—Brendan Ahern, Forbes, 20 Apr. 2023
The shoreline along the river is papered with autumn leaves and some of the brightest foliage around.
—Southern Living Editors, Southern Living, 25 Sep. 2023
In one corner of her studio, the wall is papered with black-and-white printouts of the work of other artists in what amounts to a sort of shrine.
—Merrell Hambleton, New York Times, 18 Apr. 2018
Some walls in the studio are papered to the ceiling with her costume sketches.
—Rhonda Garelick, New York Times, 1 Aug. 2023
The walls were papered with pages from the October issue, Ms. Moonves’s first as the editor in chief.
—Jacob Bernstein, New York Times, 30 Sep. 2019
Three weeks for those who paper file with direct deposit.
—Sarah Foster, Dallas News, 15 Feb. 2022
The master bedroom is papered with Chinese country scenes in aqua and white.
—Sally A. Downey,, 24 Oct. 2017
The Daily Mail owners buy climate change, so why doesn't paper?
—Ed Yong, Discover Magazine, 18 June 2011
Roque withdrew the court papers three weeks after filing them.
—Natalie Stone,, 11 Dec. 2017
If Congressman Kennedy is willing to whack the Speaker over the head with the gospels, then the cracks are becoming harder to paper over.
—Charles P. Pierce, Esquire, 9 Mar. 2017
And the way the home is papered and painted is a reflection of Barbara’s love of light, bright rooms and the bright colors found in Latin America.
—Joanne Kempinger Demski, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 5 Apr. 2018
But in recent days, the two powers have started to paper over some of those differences.
—The Washington Post,, 6 Aug. 2017
The floor of the Grand Palais was strewn with browning, fallen leaves and tufts of moss, and surrounded by walls papered with pictures of a bare-limbed forest.
—Vanessa Friedman, New York Times, 6 Mar. 2018
Brush a few more coats of decoupage medium over papered table to seal surface.
— Staff, Woman's Day, 26 Mar. 2010
Discover a landscape of ridges and valleys papered with the vibrant colors of the season.
—Caroline Rogers, Southern Living, 26 Sep. 2023
Murphy did not name names and Rylov, who was sitting next to him during the press conference, tried to paper the remark over.
—Patrick Smith, NBC News, 5 Aug. 2021
By Wednesday morning, the glass door was papered, and the restaurant's telephone number removed.
—Carol Deptolla, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 21 Feb. 2018
Sophie Turner is turned off by the weight loss drug ads papering the New York City subway system.
—Kimberlee Speakman, Peoplemag, 5 Apr. 2023
Everything from altars to statues to paper goods to tea, all of our huge collections, carts and carts full of goods, just wheeling it with a hand truck.
—Eva Hagberg, Curbed, 15 Mar. 2021
The walls are papered with thousands of vintage photographs of servicemen and women, the sons and daughters of a great nation.
—Phoebe Wall Howard, Detroit Free Press, 24 May 2018
Bad people give away money, if only to paper their badness.
—Paul Daugherty, The Enquirer, 21 July 2021
During his college years, Russ Shubert’s bedroom was papered floor-to-ceiling with U2 posters.
—Diane Bell,, 22 Sep. 2017
Warm, ivory-colored painted trim throughout the house creates a thread of consistency, and most of the walls are painted or papered either cream or a soft celadon green.
—Carolyn Weber, ELLE Decor, 5 July 2012
The women walked past a bulletin board papered with classified ads for housing programs and apartment rentals.
—John Kelly, Washington Post, 12 Dec. 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'paper.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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