How to Use rabbinic in a Sentence
In 2015, two Israeli rabbis sued the French government in a rabbinic court for control of the site.
—Washington Post, 8 Nov. 2019
The rabbinic sages say that God gathered dust from this spot to create Adam, the first man, before setting him loose in the Garden of Eden.
—Daniel Burke, CNN, 22 May 2017
The plot concerns a rabbinic prodigy named Nahum, who falls in love with his father-in-law’s young wife and gets her pregnant.
—Adam Kirsch, The New Yorker, 27 Nov. 2023
The divorce took place within the month at the Modern Orthodox rabbinic court.
—Tova Reich, Harper's Magazine, 11 Dec. 2023
Bat mitzvah was part of the rabbinic arsenal for keeping newly trick-or-treating Jews in the fold.
—Washington Post, 1 Mar. 2022
Shavuot became a time to celebrate the study of the Torah and its many rabbinic commentaries, including the Mishnah and the Talmud.
—Laura Yares, The Conversation, 22 May 2023
There’s also a 1978 portrait of de Waal’s father, Victor de Waal, which the author says looks rabbinic.
—Sandee Brawarsky,, 22 Nov. 2021
Without Hebrew letters, the language would be stripped of its ties to the Bible and other rabbinic literature.
—The New Yorker, 7 Feb. 2022
Karaism is an early medieval Jewish movement that rejects the rabbinic Judaism of the Talmud practiced by most Jews around the world today.
—Hadas Gold, CNN, 21 Nov. 2022
Glikin is partnering with a number of different rabbinic colleagues and will lead two Seders in Warsaw.
—Dallas News, 13 Apr. 2022
In fact, the noun Shechinah first appears in rabbinic literature after the Temples have been destroyed.
—Rabbi Avi Weiss,, 10 May 2021
Volozhin was home to the Etz Hayim yeshiva, a pioneering advanced academy for young men where pupils would pore over the Talmud, the classic rabbinic text of Jewish law.
—Zev Eleff, The Conversation, 10 Mar. 2022
Meanwhile, the heirs of Hillel developed the synagogue, the liturgy and the Gemara (the hermeneutic analysis of the Mishnah with reference to the Torah and later rabbinic traditions).
—Dominic Green, WSJ, 30 Mar. 2018
Those ideas include the statements of rabbinic sages, medieval thinkers and modern authorities.
—The Salt Lake Tribune, 24 May 2022
That thought led Lander to the Mishnah, the text compiling early rabbinic discussions of how to apply Jewish law in everyday life.
—Philissa Cramer,, 2 June 2021
Even rabbinic leaders in the denomination in which Green was ordained, Chabad, depart from that position.
—Philissa Cramer,, 6 Oct. 2021
These characters were inspired by a variety of biblical and rabbinic sources in which children ask certain questions about the celebration of the Passover.
—Samuel L. Boyd, The Conversation, 24 Mar. 2021
But the Rabbinical Assembly, the rabbinic arm of the Conservative movement, has deemed them acceptable to consume during Passover.
—New York Times, 1 Apr. 2022
Kosman grew up in a rabbinic family in Moscow, Russia, where she was surrounded by a vibrant cultural scene.
—Avital Chizhik-Goldschmidt, Glamour, 12 Apr. 2021
At the time, Jewish thought was dominated by Talmudists, orthodox scholars of rabbinic law.
—Los Angeles Times, 3 Feb. 2022
But Israelis are more divided than rabbinic authorities on this issue, and more extreme nationalist voices such as Ben-Gvir have been calling for greater Jewish access to the site, including the right to pray there.
—Yasmeen Serhan, Time, 4 Jan. 2023
The United Synagogue movement has taken a hard stance against allowing women to take on rabbinic posts, even as Britain’s progressive denominations have had female clergy since the 1970s.
—Jacob Judah,, 20 Sep. 2021
The oral transmission sent the message that rabbis in each generation, basing themselves on the Torah and prior rabbinic rulings, could continue to evaluate and contribute new teachings.
—Rabbi Avi Weiss, Sun Sentinel, 22 Aug. 2022
The graduates from this school have gone on to hold rabbinic positions in synagogues across Australia as well as becoming communal leaders and activists not just within the Chabad Lubavitch but in the broader Jewish community at large.
—Patricia Dillon, Houston Chronicle, 23 Feb. 2018
They were also organized in the effort by T’ruah, a liberal rabbinic human rights organization.
—Ben Sales,, 4 Nov. 2020
As rabbinic authorities have urged households to maintain social distancing, the community has rushed to help those who will be observing the holiday alone or without their families.
—Leila Millerstaff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 8 Apr. 2020
The liberal newspaper Haaretz celebrated the decision by running the story of a pizzeria owner who was targeted by rabbinic employees.
—Noga Tarnopolsky,, 13 Sep. 2017
The Religious Zionists of America-Mizrachi organized the rabbinic and communal leadership mission.
—Sergio Carmona,, 5 Aug. 2021
Traditionally, Judaism was based on Jewish autonomy – communities governed by rabbinic law – and taking the truth of its beliefs for granted.
—Joshua Shanes, Fortune, 19 June 2023
That engenders bitterness with secular Israelis, among them hundreds of thousands of Russian speakers whom the rabbinic establishment doesn’t recognize as Jewish.
—Joshua Mitnick, The Christian Science Monitor, 16 Sep. 2019
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'rabbinic.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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