How to Use repot in a Sentence
At that point trim off the dead leaves and repot the plants into fresh potting soil.
—Neil Sperry,, 15 Jan. 2021
Getting a new planter also gives you the chance to repot your plants.
—Aksha Mittapalli, Better Homes & Gardens, 29 June 2024
The potting medium will break down over the course of about a year, so go ahead and repot the orchid if needed.
—Tim Johnson,, 3 July 2021
Rose, my ruby rubber plant, tips more and more to the right with each new leaf, asking me to repot her.
—Alicia Andrzejewski, Outside Online, 15 Apr. 2022
The best time to repot a banana plant is in the spring before the active growing season starts.
—Savanna Bous, Better Homes & Gardens, 16 Sep. 2022
My favorite way is to let the plant grow, and then divide them during repotting; this looks the best in my opinion.
—Dr. Matthew Lisy, Hartford Courant, 30 Mar. 2024
As a result, opt for planters that work well both indoors and outdoors so you’re not left repotting the plants every fall and spring.
—Cori Sears, Better Homes & Gardens, 5 Aug. 2023
The sink also allows for easy potting and repotting without making a mess of the soil.
—Tom Price, Popular Mechanics, 28 Apr. 2023
Your lemon probably needs to be repotted every two to three years in well-draining soil with a pH 5.5-6.5.
—oregonlive, 11 June 2023
There will be free, walk-up classes about how to grow an orchid, how to repot an orchid and how to rebloom an orchid.
—Linda McIntosh, San Diego Union-Tribune, 12 Apr. 2024
Plan to repot into a slightly larger container when the plant's roots fill the entire space.
—Lynn Coulter, Better Homes & Gardens, 30 Jan. 2023
Prayer plant grows faster than many houseplants and often needs repotting every two years.
—Megan Hughes, Better Homes & Gardens, 18 Sep. 2024
After a couple of weeks, repot the cutting (which has sprouted roots) to a small container filled with potting soil.
—The Editors, Good Housekeeping, 9 July 2022
After about six weeks, repot them into fresh potting soil, water them and place them in bright light so that the plants can begin growing again.
—Neil Sperry,, 12 Nov. 2020
When repotting, take care to keep the planting depth the same, as palms are not tolerant of being planted too deeply, even by a couple of inches.
—Miri Talabac, Baltimore Sun, 4 Jan. 2024
Maybe your creativity is just like a plant that needed to be repotted.
—Leah Greenblatt, Vulture, 10 July 2023
Native to Asia and Australia, this elegant tree grows quickly and requires repotting in a blink of an eye.
—Medgina Saint-Elien, House Beautiful, 7 July 2023
As soon as growth begins, repot the tuber with its top half exposed and bottom half planted in fresh growing medium.
—Tim Johnson, Chicago Tribune, 12 Feb. 2023
Overcrowded plants may need repotting in order to bloom.
—Southern Living Editors, Southern Living, 21 Feb. 2024
Keep an eye on your plant’s growth and top layer of soil—most houseplants typically need to be refreshed or repotted once every three to five years.
—Kristin Guy, Sunset Magazine, 15 May 2024
Wet soil compacts easily, so rather than dig or weed or plant, do chores like repotting plants, cleaning your toolshed and planning for spring.
—Nan Sterman, San Diego Union-Tribune, 2 Dec. 2023
Though growth for our seedlings was the smallest with these grow lights, there was a noticeable difference between the control and test groups, with the tomatoes being the hardiest and requiring repotting by the end of the six weeks.
—Carrie Honaker, Southern Living, 5 Jan. 2024
That of course leads into repotting another plant and suddenly I’m covered in dirt.
—R29 Team,, 2 Oct. 2024
Consider repotting the existing plant and moving it indoors now for the winter.
—Sheila Yount,, 18 Oct. 2024
When the buds start to form, use a high-potassium fertilizer every two weeks and repot them every year after flowering.
—Mariah Thomas, Good Housekeeping, 31 Jan. 2023
Once the pineapple plant is established, it can be repotted into a five-gallon container if needed.
—Grace Haynes, Southern Living, 11 Mar. 2024
Surprisingly, fiddle leaf figs don't need to be repotted that often: Every two to three years is sufficient.
—Brittney Morgan, House Beautiful, 9 Mar. 2023
The work surface is roughly 44 inches long and 18 inches wide, offering generous space for potting or repotting plants.
—Renee Freemon Mulvihill, Better Homes & Gardens, 21 June 2023
If your holiday cactus needs to be repotted, use a cactus or succulent potting mix, which is much lighter than regular potting soil.
—Emma Phelps, Southern Living, 30 Oct. 2023
Though gardening is fulfilling, the physical toll of bending down, shoveling, and repotting without a work surface can be a lot—enter, the potting bench.
—Tom Price, Popular Mechanics, 28 Apr. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'repot.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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