How to Use retrospection in a Sentence
noun- This is a time of retrospection for many people.
The line brings us back to the book’s center, a space of retrospection.
—Maya Phillips, The New Yorker, 29 Aug. 2019
David Sedaris, one of the great American humorists, has reached the age of retrospection.
—Heller McAlpin, The Christian Science Monitor, 3 Nov. 2020
Thoughtful retrospection is too rare these days ― but not for Ruth.
—Robert Leonard, USA TODAY, 5 Sep. 2024
There’s no retrospection on the high and lows of her career in formal interviews.
—Liana Van Nostrand, WSJ, 26 Feb. 2021
Considering the full, bloody scope of some of his greatest works, The Irishman is a work of real retrospection.
—David Sims, The Atlantic, 1 Nov. 2019
The Von Erichs, whose influence on wrestling extends from the 1960s to the present day, have been the subject of retrospection for years, but this is the first time their narrative has come to a feature film.
—Dallas News, 21 June 2022
So Hilton got to work on her memoir, an endeavor that required a lot of retrospection.
—André-Naquian Wheeler, Vogue, 14 Mar. 2023
Looking back from the safety of decades of retrospection, Americans often take for granted that it was all destined to go our way.
—Bruce Dorminey, Forbes, 31 May 2021
Madonna has marketed her tour as a celebration and retrospection of her career, and she’s played a lot of her classic hits from the ‘80s.
—Vulture, 22 Jan. 2024
Madonna has marketed her tour as a celebration and retrospection of her career, and she’s played a lot of her classic hits from the ’80s.
—Devon Ivie, Vulture, 22 Jan. 2024
Now 70, Russo clearly knows the pleasures and perils of retrospection, and he's constructed a novel about the way the past constantly bleeds into the present.
—Ron Charles, Dallas News, 30 July 2019
Both Widow and Plays Well are interested in retrospection and grief, in the art of memory and in memorial art.
—Justin Taylor, Harper's Magazine, 16 Mar. 2021
By contrast, retrospection has played a blessedly small part in the emotional legend of Ethan Hunt.
—Anthony Lane, The New Yorker, 14 July 2023
But the Obama years loom particularly large across the Pacific region—and the retrospection is not all rosy.
—Timothy McLaughlin, The Atlantic, 17 Nov. 2020
This year marks the 75th anniversary — a time of remembrance and retrospection as the veterans of that war depart us and our national memory fades.
—Nancy Lord, Alaska Dispatch News, 9 Sep. 2017
Still, retrospection has a way of making such moments even brighter and shinier, and Jena Romanticism survived in the continuing influence of the thinkers who briefly lived there.
—Nikhil Krishnan, The New Yorker, 26 Sep. 2022
The land stands to remain vacant with room only for their retrospection if the historical designation stays.
—Lateshia Beachum, Washington Post, 14 June 2023
Greatness should leave you craving more and Jay Electronica showed off a combination of lyrical ability and retrospection that hadn’t been seen in quite some time.
—Troy L. Smith, cleveland, 13 Apr. 2021
Might not such retrospection reopen old wounds and revive old, murderous struggles?
—Orville Schell, Foreign Affairs, 12 Dec. 2017
Yet even his approach to retrospection feels groundbreaking.
—Amanda Petrusich, The New Yorker, 30 Jan. 2017
But in Thompson’s comments — and surely inn the conversation with Kerr that preceded them — there was just as much retrospection as introspection.
—Dieter Kurtenbach, The Mercury News, 3 Jan. 2024
Armchair general managers love the what-ifs created, and in some cases, the regrets realized in retrospection.
—Dallas News, 18 Jan. 2020
Between the leaves of that mournful story of recrimination and retrospection, Alharthi gently explores Zuhour’s troubled life in Britain.
—Ron Charles, Washington Post, 24 May 2022
But this is a retrospective about retrospection, and the situation is not without a certain resonance.
—Susan Tallman, The New York Review of Books, 25 Apr. 2020
That period of self-analysis and musical retrospection came to an end in December, when Springsteen on Broadway closed and became a Netflix special.
—Dan Deluca,, 6 June 2019
Republican primary voters do not seem eager to engage in a critical retrospection on Trump’s last, worst year in office.
—Noah Rothman, National Review, 11 Jan. 2024
With the benefit of retrospection, Lundgren recalled experiencing a considerable range of emotions on his way back to being 100 percent.
—Steve Reaven,, 28 May 2017
Due to its special nature, the episode required an alternative approach, one that relies heavily on old interviews, archival tape, more narration from Hirway than usual, and secondary retrospection.
—Nicholas Quah, Vulture, 5 Jan. 2021
This year, the paradigm shifted from the wishfully apocalyptic to the pessimistically archeological: my favorite shows were full of retrospection and weird rituals from a post-collapse civilization, and as dark as grave dirt.
—Helen Shaw, The New Yorker, 25 Jan. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'retrospection.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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