How to Use sine in a Sentence
Since the sine of 90 is 1, this gives you the maximum torque for that force and torque-arm.
—Rhett Allain, Wired, 7 Dec. 2020
Usual kingpin Duke missed the field for the first time sine 1995.
—Scott Gleeson, USA TODAY, 29 Mar. 2021
In four-wheel-drive, the Talon X is locked down and stable, even at 65 mph over sine-wave moguls that look like the earth’s furrowed brow.
—Ezra Dyer, Popular Mechanics, 4 Nov. 2019
The bigger this angle, the bigger the sine, and therefore the stronger their mutual influence.
—Natalie Wolchover, WIRED, 7 Apr. 2019
That one-two punch, Mr. Achatz later said, was meant to convey a sense of tension and release, a ride from valley to peak along the emotional sine curve.
—Kevin Pang, New York Times, 29 Apr. 2016
Markets move through something of a sine, cosine pattern from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market and back again.
—David Friedman, Forbes, 24 May 2021
Most of the efforts came together on the last day as lawmakers hurried to finish more than 100 bills amid the fanfare of sine die — the Latin term to adjourn without a date to convene again.
—Brian Eason, The Denver Post, 10 May 2017
When a pair of arrows are coupled, the strength of their mutual influence depends on the sine of the angle between their pointing directions.
—Natalie Wolchover, WIRED, 7 Apr. 2019
The link was so clear it could be described in derivative sines and cosines, mathematical concepts taught in college trigonometry.
—Brandon Keim, WIRED, 6 Dec. 2011
It was well known by then that the goat problem could be reduced to a single transcendental equation, which by definition includes trigonometric terms like sine and cosine.
—Quanta Magazine, 9 Dec. 2020
His sine law allows anyone with a decent grounding in trigonometry to use a pendulum to determine their latitude.
—Alicia Ault, Smithsonian, 3 Feb. 2018
The steering still feels disconnected at times—during an initial dive-in toward the apex, or running straight over low-frequency-sine-wave pavement at high speeds—but this is the last impractical-to-remove foible in a 19-year-old chassis.
—Don Sherman, Car and Driver, 31 Aug. 2020
As an example, consider an operator that transforms a function into its derivative (turning the sine of x into the cosine of x, for example, or x3 into 3x2, and so on).
—Quanta Magazine, 19 Apr. 2021
This geometric structure is closely connected to important ideas in trigonometry, like the angle sum and difference formulas for sine and cosine, the theory of rotations of the plane, and e, the base of the natural logarithm function.
—Quanta Magazine, 23 Sep. 2021
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'sine.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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