How to Use teetotaler in a Sentence
Here are six things to know about him: ■ The 37-year-old Kennedy is a teetotaler.
—Martin Finucane,, 30 Jan. 2018
The biggest thing standing in their way may be that teetotaler in chief.
—Tom Acitelli, The Denver Post, 2 June 2017
A teetotaler with a figure, that figure, which would make any slovenly dope drop the drink and turn his will over to the Lord up on high.
—Daniel Edward Rosen, Esquire, 24 Oct. 2013
And what the film doesn’t spotlight is that Robert was hardly a teetotaler himself.
—Vulture, 25 July 2023
Close to 80 percent and that even includes some teetotalers.
—Mark Will-Weber, Town & Country, 28 Oct. 2015
Nunn scores on the physical comedy scale as a teetotaler who gets blotto drunk as the evening wears on.
—Tom Titus, Daily Pilot, 28 Sep. 2017
Like his teetotaler father, Trump Jr. no longer drinks.
—Tierney McAfee,, 12 July 2017
The president is a teetotaler, but the first lady — who enjoys a glass of wine with dinner — made the selections.
—Emily Heil, Washington Post, 30 Nov. 2022
There are more than a dozen parent and teacher volunteers, all of whom are teetotalers who would get drunk on a single sip of hard cider.
—Moses Milazzo, WIRED, 9 Nov. 2009
Always prepared, Schrader brought his own bottle of wine and corkscrew to a table of teetotalers.
—Stephen Rodrick, Variety, 9 May 2024
Cruelly, the teetotaler had cancer of the liver, which was diagnosed in the winter of 1976.
—Frank Fitzpatrick,, 23 June 2018
In fact, many attract teetotalers as well, said Ms. Turley.
—New York Times, 28 Dec. 2017
The most exciting nugget to emerge in recent news reports is the revelation that Mr. Suga, a teetotaler with a sweet tooth, starts and ends each day with 100 situps.
—Ben Dooley, New York Times, 14 Sep. 2020
The biggest change: teetotalers aren’t the only ones ordering them.
—Monica Khemsurov, New York Times, 28 July 2023
For the stylish teetotaler: Three Spirit, a line of non-alcoholic spirits made with functional plants, has been known to save the day—and maybe the morning after, too.
—Aleksandra Crapanzano, Bon Appétit, 22 Nov. 2021
Somehow this seems akin to a bar offering deep discounts to teetotalers.
—WSJ, 18 Mar. 2020
Here, Kirsten, who starts off as a teetotaler before descending into a boozy abyss, requires O’Hara to hit notes of deep despair.
—Brent Lang, Variety, 1 Feb. 2024
Teetotalers will gladly take note of the pure-sugar sodas from Oak Cliff Beverage Works.
—Anna Caplan, star-telegram, 16 Aug. 2017
After two books with hard-drinking, hell-raising women, are you tempted at all to write about, say, a mild-mannered teetotaler?
—Dallas News, 11 May 2022
Wine dealing was unusual for Quakers, who tended to be teetotalers, but the pursuit of science was not.
—John J. Ross, WSJ, 13 Oct. 2017
Along with May, a lifelong teetotaler, Mal struggled to keep the troops in order and working toward the common goal of righting Harry's career.
—Jordan Runtagh, Peoplemag, 31 Oct. 2023
Tip Top’s drinks are simple and generous—a beer-and-shot special is five dollars—and a good deal for anyone who’s not a lurid teetotaler with billions of dollars of shady debt.
—Colin Stokes, The New Yorker, 23 Jan. 2017
The former president has frequently spoken of his pain at the way his brother Fred died from alcoholism at the age of 42 and is a lifetime teetotaler.
—Rob Crilly, Washington Examiner, 2 Apr. 2021
Or the fact that John D. Rockefeller Jr. was an absolute teetotaler.
—Kim Velsey, Curbed, 16 July 2021
For the moment, however, one thing is certain: the teetotaler president will be dined (if not wined) in lavish fashion.
—James McAuley, Washington Post, 10 July 2017
Osmond, a teetotaler who has never done drugs, has been open about her son’s previous struggles with substance abuse.
—Aili Nahas,, 3 Oct. 2019
And while Donald Trump is a professed teetotaler, his daughter and son-in-law might appreciate the 1,200-bottle wine cellar.
—Sam Dangremond, Town & Country, 12 Dec. 2016
Which may explain why the president, famously, is a teetotaler, as is his sister.
—Washington Post, 13 Apr. 2022
Many barmen moved across the Atlantic, but Henry Ramos, already practically a teetotaler himself, didn’t fight it and closed up shop for good.
—Jason O'Bryan, Robb Report, 4 Nov. 2021
There’s Ted Nugent — brash right-winger, Donald Trump advocate and lifelong teetotaler.
—Brian McCollum, Detroit Free Press, 4 Feb. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'teetotaler.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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