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Recent Examples of biopesticideIn addition to enzymes, Burr promoted agricultural innovations in the fields of robotics, sensors and biopesticides.—Jan Goldsmith, San Diego Union-Tribune, 15 Sep. 2023 According to Daniel, charcoal acts as a natural biopesticide, keeping bugs and bacteria away from the plants and allows better airflow between the roots.—Anna Braz, Los Angeles Times, 10 Aug. 2023 The biopesticide is the first environmentally safe molluscicide to use inside power plants.—Lindsey Botts, The Arizona Republic, 25 Apr. 2022 One biopesticide, the common soil fungus Metarhizium acridum, has been used against locusts in recent years.—Erik Stokstad, Science | AAAS, 4 June 2021 In addition to use as an oilseed crop, yellow mustard is also produced as condiment mustard, green manure, and as a biopesticide.—oregonlive, 8 May 2021 The move brings nootkatone, considered a biopesticide, an insect repellent derived from natural ingredients, one step closer to inclusion in a consumer insecticide.—Abby Smith, Washington Examiner, 10 Aug. 2020 He is worried that this new biopesticide could harm an insect or change the ecosystem in an unforeseen way.—Amanda Morris, AZCentral.com, 15 Apr. 2020 Somalia is three weeks behind in receiving a shipment of biopesticides for locust control due to Covid-19 delays.—Neha Wadekar, Quartz Africa, 10 Apr. 2020
But for consumers who do choose to partake, there's another layer of concern: Traces of other harmful substances like pesticides, molds and heavy metals might be lurking in a tasty-looking edible or nicely packaged vape.
Brian Mann,
3 Feb. 2025
The lab also offers tips for helping birds, like putting markers on windows to avoid bird strikes, keeping cats indoors, avoiding pesticides and providing more natural habitat.
Now, time-sensitive measures like spraying homes with insecticide, which is usually slated to begin before the rainy seasons, have been knocked off course.
Kimmy Yam,
NBC News,
8 Feb. 2025
In the meantime, Middleton recommends that insecticides — typically neonicotinoids such as imidacloprid or dinotefuran — be applied to susceptible palm trees every three to four months.
Noah Lyons,
San Diego Union-Tribune,
7 Feb. 2025
Environmental exposures: Exposure to toxic chemicals like herbicides (weed killers) or microplastics increases the risk of developing multiple myeloma.
Lindsay Curtis,
14 Feb. 2025
One final note: In some lawns, annual bluegrass can become resistant to herbicides when the same herbicide has been used repeatedly over the years, says Waltz.
Chemical components of pesticides were found in four of the products — inhaling certain pesticides through marijuana smoking poses a risk of harmful toxicants entering the lungs and bloodstream.
Ben Markus - Colorado Public Radio,
4 Feb. 2025
Nonetheless, the researchers also acknowledged that realizing such goals will be complex, as U.S. regulators typically consider risks associated with individual toxicants, rather than the complex mixtures that exist in wastewater.