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Recent Examples of coproliteThe size and shape of coprolites can also yield useful insights.—Ars Technica, 27 Nov. 2024 The coprolites contained the remains of fish, insects and plants, and sometimes other prey animals.—Katie Hunt, CNN, 27 Nov. 2024 As previously reported, coprolites aren't quite the same as paleofeces, which retain a lot of organic components that can be reconstituted and analyzed for chemical properties.—Ars Technica, 27 Nov. 2024 For the herbivores, however, especially in long-neck sauropods, their coprolites contained lots of tree ferns and charcoal.—Monica Cull, Discover Magazine, 27 Nov. 2024 See All Example Sentences for coprolite
Yogi Sahu, a resident near Chynoweth Park who had organized with his neighbors to pressure City Hall to act, recalled RV dwellers dumping human excrement into the trains, hanging underwear on trees, playing loud music and stealing packages.
Devan Patel,
The Mercury News,
21 Jan. 2025
The illness is spread by the Marburg virus, which is found in the urine, saliva and excrement of Egyptian rousette bats.
The script was based on the 1979 French play and subsequent 1982 film Le père Noël est une ordure (Santa Claus Is a Stinker).
Glenn Garner,
21 Dec. 2024
On the face of it, packing the ordure of millions into open-air mounds is a terrible approach to a more livable planet, particularly in a part of the world where scavengers don’t comb through them for every salable scrap.
Despite recent concerns about an increase in cat consumption, the scientists found feline remnants in only about 4.5 percent of the scat samples.
Sharon Udasin,
The Hill,
22 Jan. 2025
These congregation areas will often have many tracks and scat from coyotes and fox, but setting traps in these high traffic areas will only lead to conflict with the public and a rise in anti-trapping sentiment.
Notably, using bat guano or bird droppings as fertilizer may contribute to the infection with Histoplasma capsulatum.
Tim Ryan,
17 Dec. 2024
Two men have reportedly died after inhaling bat guano used to grow marijuana, raising concerns about the safety of natural bat guano and commercially available fertilizers.
Consider tilling compost or composted manure into the planting bed.
Kim Toscano,
Southern Living,
9 Mar. 2025
The composting bin contains some 250,000 red wiggler worms that feast on the manure of the animals and poultry that live on the farm, and decompose plant detritus, coffee grounds, and table scraps as well.
Joshua Siskin,
Orange County Register,
8 Mar. 2025