How is the word selfsame different from other adjectives like it?
Some common synonyms of selfsame are equal, equivalent, identical, same, and very. While all these words mean "not different or not differing from one another," same may imply and selfsame always implies that the things under consideration are one thing and not two or more things.
took the same route
derived from the selfsame source
Where would equal be a reasonable alternative to selfsame?
The words equal and selfsame are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, equal implies being identical in value, magnitude, or some specified quality.
equal shares in the business
In what contexts can equivalent take the place of selfsame?
Although the words equivalent and selfsame have much in common, equivalent implies amounting to the same thing in worth or significance.
two houses equivalent in market value
When is it sensible to use identical instead of selfsame?
While the synonyms identical and selfsame are close in meaning, identical may imply selfsameness or suggest absolute agreement in all details.
identical results
How does the word very relate to other synonyms for selfsame?
Very, like selfsame, may imply identity, or, like same may imply likeness in kind.