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Est. 1828
Science & Nature (page 2)
Flower Etymologies For Your Spring Garden
A bouquet of floral origin stories
7 Words in the Wind
If you listen you can hear them rustling
10 Fascinating Region-Specific Animals
A range of beasties from across the land
Machiavellianism and (A Whole Lot) More
Top 10 Unusually Long and Interesting Words, Vol. 1
What a Hoot!
15 bird sounds, and the birds who make them
Lost Words of Spring
There's a word for that
Scientific Words for Harsh Speech
They may bite, burn, or leave a bad taste.
Why Is a Medical Expert Called a 'Physician'?
And what about 'physicist'?
A History of ‘Plague’: Illness as Metaphor
From the Bible to COVID-19
The History of 'Disease'
It was originally a sum of its parts
A Paean on the Names of Nature's Light Displays
Artificial light just can't compete.
Useful and Obscure Words for Autumn
Settle in and get cozy with them
A Tasty Guide to the Parts of a Fruit
Vocabulary is always in season.
Humorless Words for the Bodily Humors
From the sanguine to the downright choleric
Getting to the Heart of 'Epicenter'
The Earth-shaking truth
7 Luscious, Fruit-Based Idioms
For a touch of sweetness or acidity
A Journey to the Moon in 12 Words
Read this before attempting a moon shot
The Far-Out History of 'Galaxy'
Don't cry over spilled galaxies
Opening Up on the Names of Flower Parts
Stopping to smell (and examine) the roses
The Difference Between 'Bug,' 'Insect,' and 'Beetle'
Bugs and beetles are insects, whatever that means
A Glossary of River Words
To meander your way through
This Article on 'Light-Year' Has Nothing to Say About Buzz Lightyear
To infinity, or 5,878,000,000,000 miles
7 Phrases That Are Just So Metal
Some of these phrases have magnetism.
The Verbing Adventures of 'Weigh' and 'Weight'
They both do it, but (mostly) differently
11 "Problems" Inspired by Animal Names
Cans of worms, wild-goose chases, and more
The Authentic History of 'Junk Science'
We tested and verified its accuracy
9 Animal Names That Are Also Verbs
A primer on human behavior, derived from animals.
Know Your Metals
Vs. 'medal' vs. 'mettle' vs. 'meddle'
7 Words Based on Units of Measure
Words from the language of precision.
The Fossil Encased in "Case In Point"
"In point" only lives in this phrase.
The Infernal History of 'Turtle'
And you thought they were so cute.
Why We Feel 'Sapped'
It has nothing to do with trees.
How Perceptive of You: Words About Perception
There's more than meets the eye
Amber, Auburn, Crimson and Other Colorful Words for Autumn Foliage
Peep these leaves.
The Medical History of 'Remiss'
Don't worry: it's not brain surgery.
We Told You There'd Be No Math. (We Lied.)
Grab your protractor.
Helium: This Word Brought to You by a Solar Eclipse
And by the Sun, with some help from Greek.
Tech-y Terms Are Older Than You Think
People have been blogging since the 18th century.
'Climate' Change
No denying this word's history
Does This Common Computer Term Actually Reference Shoes?
These reboots were made for walking
8 Words for Storms the Weather Report Didn't Mention
Not all storms are caused by weather.
'Bated,' 'Shod,' 'Boon,' and 7 Other Fossil Words
When old words show up in modern English
7 Unfamiliar Words for Familiar Creatures
'Camelopard', 'sea devil', and more
You Won't Believe These 10 Words Come From Birds
You might believe number 11
10 Words and Phrases with Nautical Origins
Take to the sea
Medical Words For Everyday Situations
Diagnose your friends' problems
The Stories Behind 10 Flower Names
...and how hard each is to rhyme
What Does 'Equinox' Mean?
It's spring! Finally.
What makes a planet?
From the Greek word for 'wanderer'
Chaos: Meaning and History
How a Word for a Void Came to Mean a Confused Mass
One More Problem with Blizzards
We've Become Very Adept at Handling Them, but Where Did That Word Come From?
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Can you solve 4 words at once?
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