Words to Describe burn
Things burn often describes ("burn ________")
- hazard
- toxin
- paper
- coal
- powder
- time
- pain
- encephalopathy
- epidemiology
- assessment
- pathophysiology
- size
- manipulation
- ointment
- fire
- wood
- tail
- ground
- corn
- refuse
- fat
- cut
- shock
- brush
- coffee
- nursing
- treatment
- phosphorus
- unit
- infection
- resuscitation
- depth
- rate
- beating
- morning
- aircraft
- carcinoma
- rubbish
- prevention
- ham
- motor
- mortality
- care
- bench
- out
- rehabilitation
- management
- victim
- trauma
- eschar
- wind
- wound
- rubber
- severity
- garbage
- debridement
- sulphur
- cream
- candles
- healing
- murdoch
- classification
- chart
- damage
- area
- oil
- frankincense
- incidence
- contracture
- outs
- patient
- baby
- incense
- contractures
- edema
- infections
- injury
- tissue
- therapy
- scar
- sage
- closure
- off
How burn often is described ("________ burn")
- third
- light
- mass
- red
- terrible
- bad
- partial
- hot
- facial
- clean
- superficial
- ray
- heart
- deep
- cold
- thickness
- thermonuclear
- accidental
- painful
- acute
- prescribed
- gonna
- degree
- small
- fresh
- slow
- terrific
- mild
- minor
- moderate
- lean
- serious
- retinal
- second
- chemical
- fast
- circumferential
- slash
- dermal
- full
- nasty
- deeper
- tiny
- electrical
- intense
- controlled
- slight
- corneal
- post
- sun
- cutaneous
- severe
- thermal
- and
- major
- extensive
- sharp
- premixed
- electric