Words to Describe eater
Things eater often describes ("eater ________")
- flesh
- eating
- band
- swallows
- laugh
- savour
- comforts
- eaters
- helpers
- story
- seal
- corner
- shark
- resistant
- sharks
- colony
- mountain
- drunkard
- merops
- experiences
- length
- birds
- feet
- lives
- grass
- tigers
- towns
- food
- roar
- speculation
- part
- out
- family
- type
- cows
- life
- communities
- the
- today
- lodges
- bee
- tiger
- men
- seals
- fashion
- chipewyan
- hunting
- specimen
- balls
- god
- stuff
- bird
- species
- echidna
- meat
- elephants
- plenty
- pillar
- colonies
- dress
- drinks
- apple
How eater often is described ("________ eater")
- raw
- regular
- meat
- pork
- voracious
- gluttonous
- finicky
- tremendous
- terrible
- greedy
- big
- fastest
- biggest
- dainty
- honey
- enthusiastic
- prodigious
- avid
- frugal
- emotional
- fronted
- spare
- great
- frog
- small
- heavy
- man
- ravenous
- notorious
- famous
- healthy
- slow
- compulsive
- scaly
- rice
- huge
- snake
- abstemious
- mighty
- leaf
- moderate
- hashish
- bee
- gross
- liver
- bacteria
- fastidious
- fire
- excessive
- noisy
- delicate
- habitual
- spiny
- sheep
- giant
- flesh
- lotus
- adventurous
- sloppy
- caribou
- weed
- crab
- grass
- quick
- hearty
- messy
- bread
- opium
- slowest
- salmon
- solitary
- good
- ant
- fussy
- poor
- southern
- enormous
- picky