Words to Describe thrust
Things thrust often describes ("thrust ________")
- zone
- efficiency
- distribution
- misalignment
- criterion
- beauty
- factor
- production
- arms
- tectonics
- loading
- faulting
- deduction
- displacement
- variant
- force
- plane
- spring
- control
- acceleration
- stage
- controls
- earthquakes
- fault
- due
- termination
- home
- load
- curvature
- equation
- results
- line
- power
- output
- mark
- augmented
- slip
- bigotry
- vectoring
- wires
- surfaces
- faults
- drift
- coefficient
- capacity
- planes
- angle
- reaction
- block
- weight
- chamber
- errors
- knife
- bearing
- blocks
- kick
- fig
- bearings
How thrust often is described ("________ thrust")
- upward
- fold
- swift
- principal
- backward
- essential
- axial
- radial
- lance
- lateral
- single
- sudden
- entire
- net
- forward
- central
- revolutionary
- vertical
- deadly
- propulsive
- strong
- primary
- japanese
- soviet
- total
- mighty
- main
- maximum
- spear
- reverse
- ideological
- general
- pound
- initial
- constant
- vigorous
- german
- basic
- direct
- outward
- abdominal
- overall
- quick
- violent
- horizontal
- strategic
- static
- side
- downward
- counter
- offensive
- fatal
- dominant
- powerful
- out
- dynamic
- straight
- and
- final
- bold
- major
- sharp
- resultant
- whole
- broad