Words to Describe wisp
Things wisp often describes ("wisp ________")
- flickering
- journey
- being
- conductor
- light
- attraction
- pursuits
- ideas
- fire
- figure
- flickers
- lad
- feeling
- gleam
- philosophy
- eden
- meteors
- policy
- dreams
- happiness
- promises
- quest
- child
- dance
- qualities
- signal
- socialism
- tactics
- trade
- flashes
- affair
- quality
- kind
- hope
- dances
- fancies
- perils
- voice
- glow
- standards
- lights
- nature
- phenomenon
- search
- thee
- inspiration
- character
- opportunity
- dream
- tale
- novelty
- rain
- models
- fashion
- broom
- fate
- grant
- idea
- plans
- commandos
- chase
- torches
- pursuit
- thing
- movement
- appearance
How wisp often is described ("________ wisp")
- smallest
- curly
- errant
- wicked
- vague
- shabby
- elusive
- gentle
- loose
- fragile
- with
- the
- vagrant
- merest
- ghostly
- lazy
- pathetic
- curling
- wayward
- withered
- miserable
- faintest
- ragged
- little
- telltale
- faint
- pale
- fleeting
- gray
- tiniest
- damp
- slender
- delicate
- thick
- puny
- brown
- thin
- tempting
- mere
- tiny
- tangled
- odd
- occasional
- slightest
- stubborn
- slight
- frail
- veritable
- blond
- fine
- solitary
- haired
- will
- slim
- blue
- grey
- lighted